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I have too much hair?

Hi I am a 20 year old male and I have too much hair on my head. My hair is not too long but I have layers of hair that makes it seem kinda poofy as it gets longer and more harder to do. Is there any way for my barber to cut my hair on top to give me less hair but keep it at the same length so I can grow it out a little more? Sorry if this question doesn't really make sense. I just hate my hair sometimes

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Wait till you hit middle age. That will solve your problem and you'll be wishing for thicker, fuller hair.

    But seriously - in the mean time, you can ask your barber to use some thinning sheers on your hair. I used to have that done back in my teens/early 20's when my hair was much thicker than it is now. It reduces the poofyness without having to go to a shorter length.

  • 7 years ago

    When you go to the barber, ask them to thin it. They should have a razor or scissor like tool that can thin it.

    Source(s): Friend had the same problem
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