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Lv 7
ash asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Why do Republicans want to raise gas prices in the Midwest? Thanks for nothing, Republicans!!!?

According to articles in Forbes and Bloomberg, this pipeline will divert oil currently being refined for the Midwest market down to the Gulf, where it will be refined and shipped to other foreign and domestic markets instead resulting in higher prices in the Midwest.


Try the google before namecalling, four refineries in Illinois, I used to drive past the Joliet and the Lemont refineries every day on my way to work......

Update 2:

It is because of the laws of global supply and demand that more oil will be diverted to the gulf for export and elevate the prices locally, daro dear.

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    It's all about the phantom energy jobs that conservatives are convinced will be created as soon as all those pesky regulations are set aside, those who did not exist in the 70's might not realize that the EPA was created by Nixon, a corrupt anti-minority conservative republican.

    Apparently the current crop of talking point addicted conservative wannabe parrots, are convinced that if they can muzzle a conservative created agency, all those magical, (albeit temporary) pipeline jobs will solve all the unemployment problems this country faces.

    Problem is, those jobs are fewer than a couple hundred while connecting already laid pipeline, the northern US and Southern laid pipelines are already in place, all that remains is land that will potentially poison the water supply, (aquifer) of millions of mid-west residents, what good is having a Canadian multinational oil behemoth force a right-of-way pipeline through the heart of America, when they have yet to prove that they can handle the tar sands spills they've been experiencing for years and the pipelines are not connected yet!!!

    Oil and war, conservatives seem to thrive on forcing powerless Americans to accept either intrusion into their squalid living conditions, it's bad enough that fracking is going to negatively affect nearly everyone within our borders.

    Conservatives are always railing about brown skin invasion with regard to poor, desperate people looking to earn money to feed themselves.

    Yet, conservatives have no problem with supporting the deliberate poisoning from underground fracking chemicals under high pressure, multiple source invasions to people's water supplies, homes and toxifying the air we breathe.

    Where's the conservative outrage over the brown clouds of toxins invading our communities and the air we breathe from the carte blanche malfeasance of the oil/methane fracking conglomerates.....

    Profits before working people, that's the lamest of excuses, but conservatives have no shame, so it never bothers them to spread more human misery while lining their greedy pockets with fracking kickbacks and investment dividend returns.

    Source(s): Historical juxtaposition
  • Daro
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Thats not what all the Liberal talkin Heads say.

    They claim ( when Dems are shutting down production) that no matter what we do it doesnt change gas prices by a single penny.

    Does the laws of global supply and demand suddenly change when its Republicans doing the same policy?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Excuse me, Knucklehead, but ALLL of the refineries are located in the Gulf Region. Your oil is going there NOW! By truck or rail.

    Maybe if your precious EPA let the Uber-hated Haliburton build a few more refineries, Gas would be -heaper for EVERYONE.

    We haven't built a new refineriy in this country in 35 years/

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Or, alternatively, why does Obama want to block thousands of jobs by opposing the Keystone XL Pipeline?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Would that be the same BLOOMBERG that has opposed freedom for America....Republican support for FRACKING is the ONLY non government sector STILL GROWING...except plastic surgery for aging Democrat POLS.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Just think of it as an energy tax. You people LOVE taxes. So what's the problem?

  • Jacara
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Republicans are all about giving more money to the Top 10% at the expense of the other 90%.

  • 7 years ago

    psst..... the ones who fell for that kind of thing in '12 didn't vote on Tuesday, and it's not likely they will again for some time....

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I like cheese.

  • 7 years ago

    According to articles.......that you don't present or link to, huh?

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