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If you could pick one, which would you pick?

Ok, so me and my friends were shopping at Best Buy and found out the store was doing a raffle, and you could win $5,000 on a gift card. So we were all talking about what we would buy, one of the main things was a TV.

Allot of my friends, if not all were for buying a Samsung curved 4K TV. However, I was the only one torn between that or a 1080p curved OLED TV. Which in specs wise, far exceeded any 4K LED. However I do own a 4K Samsung now, and love the picture with those pixels.

So I was curious, if you could pick a TV for free... Which would you choose?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Blabla tldr

  • \\\
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I don't know what any of that means. Well, i know what LED is.

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