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Skylar J asked in Consumer ElectronicsTVs · 7 years ago

Which TV should I get for my mom?

I'm planning to get my mom a new TV for Christmas and was debating on what I should get. If a coworker of mine (from another store) is right then next week the UN55H7150 will be $999 (which I get an extra 10% off) and there will be a promotion that will give me an extra $200 gift card to use on my next purchase. Which is an amazing deal, however I also saw the Vizio 4K TV which had a fantastic picture, and I have the Samsung 4K and I love it so I thought maybe why not that one because on Black Friday it will be $698 for the 50".

I could get the Samsung this week, and roll the dice for the 4K Vizio Black Friday... But which do you think is better or would rather have?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I'd go with the samsung that comes with the $200 gift card, although I'm not a fan of samsung it's for you mom and I'm sure she won't appreciate the 4K as much as you do lol. Also it's Black Friday and those TVs will go fast and you'd have to wait in line on thanksgiving day. I'm sure your mom wouldn't like that!

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