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RETIRED asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 6 years ago

Choosing a Best Answer on Yahoo Answers site?

I am not sure it was Yahoo that used to pick the Best Answers or some other entity, but it is now left up to the person that asks the question. Why is it that very few users that asks a question do not take the time to choose a best answer from those that they receive.? There are many that answer questions on the site that would appreciate someone taking the time and choosing one as the best answer by clicking on AWARD BEST ANSWER at the bottom of that answer....

3 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was never Yahoo. It was either the user, or the voters (us, other users like us). Staff removed the voting ability for several reasons, one being that too many users only used it to cheat and vote themselves up to higher levels. The other reason was that it locked MILLIONS of questions into the limbo of voting where nobody could answer them. So they removed that and created a single stream of questions that anybody could answer at any time, even after a BA was chosen.

    Yes, that means that now many, many questions never have a BA chosen. BUT - it doesn't matter. All that being chosen as BA does is give a person a few extra points - that are POINTLESS anyway. The purpose of the site is to give GOOD answers to people who need help. Whether or not the remember, or know, to return and choose us as BA doesn't matter.

  • 6 years ago

    Probably some forget, some don't know how, some want others to do it and others just don't care. It is so easy and it only takes a minute as you are no doubt aware all they have to do is wait at least an hour after posting and have at least one answer then return to their question click the blue best answer button of the one they choose and that's pretty much it. many members will say their answers never get chosen yet in many cases they don't choose them to their own answers.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    OK now why don't you choose the best answer?you told me the same when you answered my question my problem wasn't solved but still i awarded you the best answer see it in this link.

    sorry but now you are doing the same i mean the people have answered you seven months ago and you still didn't choose any best answer.

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