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Alyosha asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 years ago

Should we, in time, make Cuba the 51st State?

The greatest threat to America is a nation hateful, towards Washington, befriending Havanna. Venezuela, the Cold War Soviets, and Putin's Russia all stand out. Geographically, Havanna is closer to our mainland than Honolulu or Alaska. The beginning of full diplomatic relations with Cuba is more comparative to Lee & Grants meeting in the Appamatox Courthouse as compared to Perestroika. Once the Castro brothers are finished, the Cuban people (those in exile too) should be allowed to vote for their first governor. NATO, remember, moved quickly to absorb the Warsaw Pact into Western political freedom. Washington should act as quickly in absorbing Cuba into America!

13 Answers

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    The greatest threat to America is its own reckless actions. Cubans dont hate American people, only the corporate government for trying to assassinate Fidel and for making them suffer with a trade embargo the U.S. has forced other countries to impose. The U.S. is pin-headed not to include Cuba in the Latin trade realm.

    I worry that if America ends the trade embargo, they will take over Cuban business as they did before during the 1950s with the Mafia running Cuban gambling casinos and the military ruler Bautista running interference for the U.S. which all led to the revolution of Castro.

    Even when Castro brothers have gone the National Assembly is still there. You have to admire how Fidel has stood up to the U.S. for over 50 years, not letting America take over his country, and for staying alive after many assassination attempts by the U.S. and invasion by the U.S.

    The hypocrisy of the U.S. knows no bounds. They criticize Russia as "annexing" Crimea (which did not happen) while the U.S. would "annex" Cuba except it is called a U.S. possession and no one questions the forcible annexation.

    NATO is dangerous and should be disbanded. American policies are the cause of turmoil around the world. I have enough of the U.S. running the world. It has brought nothing but turmoil, death, disaster, destruction.

  • jehen
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Probably not. Wouldn't that be up to the Cubans anyway? The territories we do own do not want to become states. Some of the states talk endlessly of seceding. So what makes you think we should entertain annexing a sovereign nation?

  • 6 years ago

    the Cuban people would be improved by living under the freedom of a written constitution. It would also prevent the Russian navy, and military (nukes in tow) from using Cuba as a base against us. Bring the 51st star, and sew it on the flag.

  • Cuba would sooner become part of Canada.

    You'll lose friends/allies quickly trying to annex other contries. And there are alot more of us than there are of you.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Why not annex Mexico first? Sometimes being reckless pays dividends.

  • 6 years ago

    I imagine that's up to the Cuban people, not us...

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    You want another communist voting state in the US like NY & CA?

  • mark h
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I think we have too many communists and socialists in this country already without inviting more in.

    Thanks anyway.

    Hope that helps.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Yeah, if there is one thing we really need, it is more welfare queens to feed.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No, they should stay as a country.

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