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Alyosha asked in TravelEurope (Continental)Russia Β· 6 years ago

should Putin allow Russia to return to Western Culture?

Russians are Europeans. Russians are Judeau - Christians. The Ruble is dropping. Sanctions over the Ukaine invasion are destabilizing Russia. Oil is sold in dollars. However, Russia is a land of space exploration, higher art, and a historically Western people. Putin has stalled Russian emergence from the post- Cold War. He needs to, peacefully, step down.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Russian oligarchy put him there - now there wealth is shrinking. We watch, wait and maintain sanctions.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Your question doesn't make sense. There's nothing inherently Western about higher art, while space exploration, may I remind you, was kicked off by the Soviet Union at the height of its antagonism with the West.

    The West has been for centuries, and continues to be, the greatest menace to us and our greatest detractor. And our tolerance for that may, right now, be at its historical lowest. You may think the Cold War is over but the fact is, this generation of Russians has a dislike of the West that was probably *never* as strong during the Cold War, which our people weren't particularly passionate about. So no, no one's "returning" anywhere and should Putin ever step down, it won't be for the reasons you'd like and he won't be succeeded by someone you'll find convenient. Rather, oil has to peacefully stop being sold in dollars.

  • Russians, just like all other Europeans, have all the cultures and subcultures they want.

    Thankfully, Russia has never been "Western", at least not in a sense you mean.

    Oil is sold in dollars, because Fed wants vassal states; if someone refuses - he and his country suffers a war (Middle East is a good example), in which NATO will bring jAmerican "deRmocracy" with bombs. By forcing Russia (or any other country) sell Her resources in dollars, Americans are ROBBING Russia and Her people, which makes the U.S. a colonial imperialistic monster.

    Russia has always had unique culture, science etc. So did/do Chinese, Arabs, Indians etc. Stop ascribing advancement/progress to Europe only. How about crusades? How about Maya, whom barbarian catholics eliminated, robbed destroying their great culture? How about Hungary and Czech Republic, whom Americans and Germans turned into porn hubs and sex tourism destinations? - is that culture??? It's f**ng regress, decadence!

    Putin hasn't stalled anything. Russia develops when She chooses HER way, not "Western" one. jWestern pseudo-culture destroyed Soviet industry, agriculture, culture, and impoverished our people. And now those monsters have to step down actually, esp from my Motherland whom you, dear Asker, insulted by calling Her a Polish slur "okraine".

    P.S. I am not a judeo-christian, heaven forbid.

    Source(s): From Kiev, MaloRussia
  • 6 years ago

    OMG! Russia knows Europeans. They came to Russia to show their culture in 1812 and 1941 and a lot of times before.

    No, thanks. Let us build our great country without your haughty lectures

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    It is not up to Putin, it is up to Russian people

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