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Lv 6
mikeae asked in HealthWomen's Health · 6 years ago

Why has it become acceptable to call the female breast boobs. A boob is a person of low intelligence.?


So that means women have two people of low intelligence hanging from their chests. Why is that acceptable and breasts, which is what they are, are not?

The same for men. We have a penis not a Johnson or dick or cock. Somehow the though of see a male rooster in that spot is hysterical.

Update 2:

Anonymous 1 : That is just the same thing as calling them boobs.

Anonymous 2: That still doesn't make it right.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a "vernacular" term that girls adopted back when the words "breast" or "****" were not spoken in polite company.

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