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Lv 5
? asked in PetsDogs · 6 years ago

Out of these, what would you name a Stabyhoun and Australian Shepherd?

Out of the list below, which of the names would you choose to name a Stabyhoun and Australian Shepherd?

Names can be used more than once if you think they fit both dogs and you can pick more than one name if you think more names fit the dog breed.

Please pick at least one name for both genders.

Male: Merlin, Oberon, Orion, River, Severus (HP), Tibarn (Fire Emblem), Pippin (LotR), Thorin (hobbit), Misha.

Female: Nova, Luna (HP), Nala, Nailah (Fire Emblem), Umbriel, Echo, Avalon.

Unisex: Nori (after my favorite singer Takanori Nishikawa).

Other suggestions are welcome too

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I like Nori, that's a sweet name.

    From the male names I like River and Thorin.

    From the female names I like Luna.

    I like simple names for dogs,

    Male name suggestions,




    Female name suggestions

    Hershey (I love chocolate).



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