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Lv 5

What are free programs that count the amount of colors a picture has?

I need a program that can count the amount of colors that are in a picture. For a project I'm working on, I need to create mugs for a game, but the programm we need to use only allows a max of 16 colors (including the background). So I need a program that can count how many colors I have used (and preferably where all those colors are / which pixels are different colors), so I can narrow it down if needed.

At first I used Color Count for, but the program is not working well. At first it said I used over 6000 colors, and it keeps being stuck on 80, even though I am nowhere near that amount of colors.

Anyone know of a free program that can count the colors for me?


OR a website where you can upload it and it counts for you

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I use this for a fast and easy alternative to Photoshop:

    It works fine on Win 7 and not only counts unique colors, it also has a feature to reduce the current image to X colors automatically.

  • 6 years ago

    Set up a palette with 15 colors and only use those.

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