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Lv 7

Why do American girls have no desire to learn as to Human Sexual Reproduction BEFORE taking their clothes off?

27 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    How can someone who doesn't clearly doesn't know EVERY American girl out there, generalise like this? I'm not American, but you've quite clearly watched one too many American high school films, where it appears most girls are party girls, who want to have sex with no care of the consequences, until the final few scenes. Who are you to judge other people's actions?

    This is a public place in which people can ask questions they have, to the general public. This seems almost like a rhetorical question. You clearly have your negative opinion of people, and I'm not even going to try and identify why you do.

    I believe this question was asked so you can annoy the people you don't have time to write essays to, on correct grammar, and how you find them all to be completed uneducated.

    I think YOU need a lesson on social skills, then maybe you'll have a partner who can stand you long enough to give you the answer.

  • 6 years ago

    Jesus Christ, what's wrong with you? What makes you so much better than anyone else? Can I first off just explain to you that this is YAHOO AWNSWERS! no one gives a flying **** about their grammar or spelling on a website like this. This is a place to find out info fast from other people. And just so you know you left a huge paragraph on my question saying that I don't know how to spell or use grammar correctly. But, just so your aware, I go to one of the most prestigious Art Schools in my province, I am currently receiving 99% in English, oh and I've published a novel and won awards for my poetry. So please understand I have a perfectly adequate sense of the English Language.

    Now, to answer your question, where are you getting your statistics from? Because I'm sexually active, I am on birth control, and yes sometimes mistakes are made during sex. Do you not make mistakes? Sex is a very intimate, important thing in life, and you obviously know very little about that.

  • 6 years ago

    Funny how this guy makes fun of grammar yet the one question he asks made no sense whatever.

    "Why do American girls have no desire to learn as to Human Sexual Reproduction BEFORE taking their clothes off?" LOL!!!

    This is some loser who can't get laid and is super angry at the world and women especially. Go cry about it you little turd.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I have no idea why they have no desire to learn "as to" Human Sexual Reproduction. Human Sexual Reproduction must be the title of a book, because you capitalized it. I didn't know all teenagers were expected to read a specific book before becoming sexually active. Human sexual reproduction, the term for our biological reproduction, isn't a proper noun that needs capitalization. Using "as to" is so affected and archaic it confuses the meaning of your question. Are you asking about that book, or are you asking "Why do American girls have no desire to learn about human sexual reproduction before taking their clothes off?" Well, the answer is the same as why American boys have no desire to learn about human sexual reproduction before they take their clothes off. They're horny, or so you'll understand, they're concupiscent.

    Source(s): If it's good enough for the goose, it's good enough for the gander; you need a taste of your own medicine to get well. The truth can be painful, but you can learn from it.
  • 6 years ago

    Because you're a sad fat American **** that has nothing better to do with your miserable failure life so you write BS answers and scratch your head and wonder why only 2% of your answers are best answers.

    You are so ignorant to realize that people can make type errors and only dumb twats like you would think someone would make a mistake like that on purpose. If all you do is this 24/7 I hope someone shoots you.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Way to stereotype millions of people you haven't met. Got any statistics to back up your rude and ignorant comment? Show me your evidence, bro! I mean, you have all the time in the world to critique grammar. You clearly have the time to find statistics. And if you can't back up your statement, how about you cease and desist?

    Update: Oh look, you got banned. Maybe that will teach you some manners.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Well you know there are variety of people all over the world.

    A) the assholes

    B) the sluts

    C) stalkers

    From that few people SOME PEOPLE apply their bias or prejudice thinking.

    In millions of population pointing out on few and concluding a fallacious statement doesn't make sense you know.

    According to law its called accidencial fallacy.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Your ignorance about the UT (University of Texas) system in your rude answer about Computer Animation is matched by your ignorance of the attitude of Texas toward Sex Education - if we offered in schools, it would raise curiosity about Sex and they would go out and experiment while Abstinence is the only thing to preach. This despite the fact that Texas has one of the worse teen pregnancy rates in the country - so curiosity is coming from some place.

  • 6 years ago

    LOL just checked out your account because you left a rude comment on my question, funny it turns out your just a sad pathetic internet troll who has nothing better to do. Other than being a dick all day, what else do you do with your time?

  • 6 years ago

    What do you know another person this guy left a rude comment on. I would also like to point out you are a bitter, angry, and most likely lonely person. Find a productive hobby you piece of ****.

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