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Does anyone besides me have compassion for the Jehovah Witnesses participating in the R&S section of Y/A?

I never really thought too much about JW's until they started bombarding Y/A. In the Philippines their are a lot of Arians but the JW's are the minority and are overshadowed by much larger schismatic sects that came from them. Here it reminds me of how many and how easily one can become spiritually lost in these heretical groups. Let us all pray for them to receive the grace to escape these heretical sects that deny Jesus' true salvific nature.

6 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, Father Joseph, I have a lot of compassion for them. I also have compassion for those who are vulnerable to their recruitment techniques. I am especially sympathetic to the children who grow up in that cult and the future children whose parents may one day get a knock on the door and be persuaded to join their club. I read an autobiography of such a child, "Growing Up in Mamma's Club."

    It's difficult to choose between trying to help inform possible future cult victims or try to help the current ones to wake up. One can't do both effectively on YA's R & S. Being blunt with the truth just causes the ones already in the Watchtower Society to close their minds even more. At the same time, it's hard to watch them use this question and answer site to try to convert Christians.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I just looked through your activity on here as it is not private. No I don't think you have compassion for JWs. I think you are critical and obsessed with them. The two things you do on here is cut them down, and search for general questions about Catholics to defend your own faith. But you never actually share your own religion.

    If you don't like JWs, why not mind your own business and clean up your own back yard (Catholicism) or work toward winning people back to your religion?

    In a nutshell. You are overly critical of a religion which you don't belong to. And overly defensive about your own. You like to criticize but don't like to be criticized.

  • 6 years ago

    When you look at different religions, they usually contain "magic." For example:

    The Mormon religion contains the magical golden plates, the magical angel, the magical seer stones, the magical ascension of the plates into heaven, etc.

    The Muslim faith contains the magical angel, the magical flying horse, the magical voices, the magical prophet, etc.

    The Christian faith contains the magical insemination, the magical star, the magical dreams, the magical miracles, the magical resurrection, the magical ascension and so on.

    The presence of "magic" is a clear marker for "imaginary." For example, how do we know that Santa is imaginary? Because (among other things) he has eight magical flying reindeer. How do we know that Jack and the Beanstalk is a fairy tale? Because (among other things) the story contains magical seeds. In the same way, how do we know that God is make believe? Because God is surrounded by magic.

    According to believers, God is an all-powerful being who has the divine, magical power to do anything. How do we know that this belief is a fairy tale? One way to know is to try to invoke God's magical power. For example, as described in Proof #1, the Bible tells us in many places that God answers prayers. However, whenever we try to pray, we notice that nothing happens (See Proof #1 and Proof #2). That tells us that God is completely imaginary. The magical powers ascribed to him are a fairy tale.

    Another way to know is to read the stories of magical events in the Bible. There is the magical flood, yet we know with certainty that the flood never happened. There are the magical miracles of Jesus, but (predictably) none of these miracles left behind any tangible evidence (see Proof #14). There is the magical resurrection, yet there is zero evidence that it ever occurred and no reason to believe it (See Proof #15).

    God is identical to Leprechauns, mermaids and Santa. God is a magical fairy tale creature. The magic surrounding God tells us that God is imaginary.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Give us a break! Another 'posed' orchestrated scenario/ leading question with the JW orchestrated pictured as the victims and JW "thank you" for being nice and supportive. Puke! NKay: spot on!Tammy: get real! Are you blind to the insults/ abuse/ name calling/ sarcasm + insulting caricatures your 'bros + sis' [not all] vomit out on R+S Yahoo Answers etc?!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I do, but not for any of the reasons you stated.

    They seem to be targets for the bullies here. And I hate that.

    People are free, here in America, to believe what they need to and the Witnesses here in America deserve that same respect.

    I don't agree with all they believe, but I don't disagree with all of it either.

    To me, it isn't any more "nuts" than any other religion.

  • 6 years ago

    Thank you, I'm one of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES and I appreciate the sentiment although I cannot fully agree with the content.

    Peace to you and your family


    Jehovah's Witness


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