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Lv 5
? asked in TravelAsia PacificJapan · 6 years ago

Bringing gifts to concerts in japan?

When Japanese or Korean artists come to Europe, fans often bring gifts to the concert. There will be booths etc. where they can bring the gifts, and they will then be handed over to the artist by the staff.

I was wondering if it's custom/normal/okay to bring a gift to a concert in Japan? I am going to a concert in Fukushima, and also to Inazuma Rock Festival in Shiga this September, and I was thinking of bringing something small from my country for the artist I am going to see.

Is that generally allowed, or is it not very common to bring gifts to singers/bands?

2 Answers

  • Boyaki
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Depends on the band/venue. I've been to shows where they've got a table set up right outside the entrance with separate areas for gifts for each individual band member, I've been to shows where there's no area and no gift giving, and I've been to shows where I can give the gifts directly to the members.

  • 6 years ago

    I have not heard that it's normal to give a gift to an artist in Japan.

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