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Lv 5

Shoujo anime without mary sue lead?

Lately I've been getting back into anime and I thought I'd give some shoujo animes a chance this time. I've watched a few but I noticed most of them have awful mary sues as female leads and it is super annoying. I finish the anime because I like the other characters, but seeing that female lead takes so much of the fun away.

So I was wondering if you guys could recommend some animes where the female lead isn't an annoying mary sue?

(examples of what I conider mary sue is Tohru from Fruits Basket, Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew, Haruhi on OHSHC (though I could live with her, she wasn't as annoying as the others) and so on)

Any interesting ones?

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Mary Sue or, in case of a male character, Gary Stu or Marty Stu is an idealized character, often but not necessarily an author insert and/or wish-fulfillment. None of the characters you listed are like this. It might just be you don't like overtly happy or mellow female characters. So your best bet is to try some tsundere characters or some crazy ones.

    You can try these anime:

    Ranma 1/2 - Martial arts. Boy turns into a girl when splashed with water

    Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - Like South Park/Family Guy? You will love this! Don't be turned off by the art!

    Kaichou wa Maid-sama - super strict female student body president moonlights as a maid at a maid cafe

    Hentai Prince and Stony Cat - A boy that has no filter on his mouth and a girl who shows no emotions work through their issues

    Toradora - Tsundere girl and thug looking guy try to help each other get their crushes

    Puella Madoka Magica - amazing deconstruction of the magical girl genre

    Soul Eater - School for kids learning to be death weapons and their wielders. Strong Female Lead.

    Spice and Wolf - Wolf goddess and a tradesman travel together.

    Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (Haganai) - Group of students create a club to find friends.

    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Odd girl decides to make a club to attract aliens, time travelers and espers. And she does.

    Steins:Gate - A self proclaimed mad scientist receives a way to time travel and now must solve the mystery.

    Hetalia - The countries of the world are represented as people and they interact! It's hilarious!

    The Wallflower - Girl that loves gory, scary movies and the occult has to be made into a lady by a house full of the prettiest boys in japan.

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