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Lv 5

Do you believe in a god or gods?

Are you a Theist/Deist that believes in some form of supernatural power or are you a Nontheist who does not believe in any supernatural powers?

How do you identify yourself? (ex. Theist may be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc... and Nontheist may be Atheist, Agnostic, etc...)

10 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. A monotheist.

    2. Christian.

    3. Lutheran.

    Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” (John 20:28-29)

    MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I don't believe anyone has seen something supernatural. It's either someone lying (a small percent of people who claim to have seen or felt anything supernatural) or perceiving something as supernatural without really investigating more closely at the moment of the event to find out it's not supernatural. Perhaps they are scared and so leave the scene before they have a chance to see it's just a normal event. Much like the analogy of a person in a car who sees what looks like a dead dog by the road but is in fact a black plastic bag. If they turn off before getting close enough to see it's a dog, then they will always think it was actually a dog they saw.

    I have never seen a group of people out in public like at the Mall running around looking shocked because they just saw a supernatural event. This simply does not happen. I find that very telling. Has never even happened at any church I went to for a 35 year period.

    I'm an Atheist.

  • 6 years ago

    I believe that I am no more than a mosquito to God. I sense His warmth, fly towards it, land on His skin and stick my proboscis in and suck out His blood. Then I fly off a full of it as if I really did land on God. Wow.

  • Cosmos
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Usually on the census and in polls, I say "no religion." I guess that makes me atheist. I don't believe in god(s). I'm not really focused so much on the labeling.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    I believe in all the Greek gods. They have been documented for centuries and they l

  • 6 years ago

    I'm a theist, A Christian.

    Source(s): Christian
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I'm an atheist...I believe nothing exploded and made everything and rearranged itself into dinosaurs for no reason

  • 6 years ago

    If a god did exist it could not just always have been god. The term god implies certain attributes. These attributes are meaningless without something for them to apply too. example - Superman has attributes but if there are no other men he is no longer superman. If there is nothing for him to bend with his bare hands how does the strength attribute apply? If there is nothing for him to see through x ray vision is meaningless. A God before the creation had nothing to be god to. A king without a kingdom is not a king. A god without the creation is the god of nothing.

    So for any god to exist before the creation is senseless. It would know all of nothing (omniscience), it has power over nothing (omnipotence), has nothing to be good to (benevolence) and nothing to love so how could it love? The 'god' is meaningless.

    The only way a god could exist is with the creation but, theist extrapolate god and put it outside the creation. It's like trying to remove the forest from the trees. God could only exist with the creation if it existed at all.

    I do not claim god exist. I do try to conceive if a god existed how could it? The problem with religion is it keeps people with in the box or book (scriptures). They then can't think outside of it.

    If a god did exist wouldn't it make more sense to reveal itself always and from the beginning? The gestalt universe could be regarded as one body. We are like protons or neutrons within an atom something in something else in an expanding universe. If the creation was the manifestation of god then god is everything that is. In that way it could be everywhere, is in everything and is infinite and it is one. I think of space, matter/energy and time as a universal recycling bin and perpetual motion machine. It's constantly morphing itself. Perhaps so that all parts may come to know that it is. Think of a new born that is learning it's body. The eyes follow the hands and it learns this is part of me. It learns to control it. It comes to self awareness. Because everything is of the universe and everything will surrender all the atoms it gained from it back to it, the cycle of matter to energy back to matter is completed. So time moves on. The arrangement of atoms is infinite. When we gaze into the vastness of space we can not help but, to be awed. If you have ever been to Niagara Falls you would know the feeling of the falls pulling you in. Is it gravity, is it hypnotic or is it your mind has found union. Much like the babe discovering a body part belongs to it. Do you belong to the tide your mind follows looking out to sea or to the stars in the night sky? Does the treed mountain or barren canyon grip you and pull you to it? Is this how a real god would speak? In silence to all life forms from the beginning of time. Not by proxy in one mans tongue left for others to translate. As the creation god would not be in hiding it would be exposed all the time. Like plants it speaks in silence. Like music it speaks in notes. Not in one tongue but universally. It would not matter that you honored it. Like the apple tree it gives unconditionally. If you stone the tree or worship it, it bares its fruit to all who would have it. Any god would need the creation to be relevant. Without the creation it would be but a singularity.

    To assume a god is to assume the need for it. In the theist religions they make god having needs. Why would the god that can do anything have needs? You have to ask yourself this in the pursuit of saying everything had to come from somewhere. How could god exist without energy or matter and if god is energy/matter and it (energy/matter) always was then why the need for god?

    So no to your answer but, as you can see I gave it a lot of thought.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    i usually dont identify myself .. i'll leave the 'classifications' to you ..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago


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