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Lv 5
? asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 6 years ago

Can someone translate this into Japanese for me?

I've been exchanging some emails with a hotel with a concert venue but they don't seem to understand English at all and refuse to use google translate or send me a japanese mail saying they don't understand english. So far I have been asking a friend to translate my emails into Japanese but she hasn't been on in a while due to vacation. The hotel told me to call them (despite knowing I am from Europe) which i simply can't do due to the language barrier.

So I sent them an email in English, which they haven't answered at all, so I want to send another one in Japanese. But I need your help since I don't speak Japanese.

My email:

Dear sir/madam,

I'd like to thank you for your reply. It has come to my attention that your staff probably does not understand English and therefore has not replied to my other email. I am sorry for having replied in English. I do not speak nor understand Japanese, so it is impossible for me to make a phone call to your hotel. As I mentioned before, I am from the Netherlands in Europe, which is another reason it's hard for me to make a phone call.

I would still like to discuss the gifts I wish to bring to the concert (LEAD, september 5th at 18:30) with you, however, and wish to know if there is another way for us to discuss this.

Is it possible for us to bring the gifts and hand them over to the staff so they can hand them to LEAD or can we do it ourselves?

I apologize for the inconvenience, and want to thank you for your time.




@hiroshi thanks for the quick reply and sorry for the confusion. I meant to say that I wish to discuss the details with them (the hotel or hotel staff). The concert is in the hotel, I am not completely sure who's organizing it. I was hoping that the gift I'm bringing could be given to the artist either byme personally (though Im not expecting that) or by the staff so that the artist can receive it.

I hope this is not too confusing ^^;; sorry for the trouble and thanks in advance for the help!

1 Answer

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    How about this?

     メールのご返事ありがとうございました。 これまで英語でしかメールが出来なかったため用件が通じずご迷惑をおかけしました。

     日本に行く前にぜひ確認しておきたいことがありましたので、 再度お尋ねすることにしました。 私はオランダからそちらへ訪ねる者ですが、 日本語を聞くことも話すこともできませんので お電話で問い合わせることも出来ませんでした。

     お尋ねしたかったことは、 そちらのホテルで 9月5日 18:30 から開催される LEAD のコンサートのメンバーに個人的なプレゼントをお渡ししたいのですが、 それが可能でしょうか? もしメンバーに直接手渡しするのが無理でしたら、 ホテルのスタッフの方を通じてお渡ししていただくことは可能でしょうか�� また、 その他の方法があればその方法をお教えいただけないでしょうか。

     勝手なお尋ねで大変申し訳なく思っておりますが、 このチャンスを活かしたいと心から願っております。 ぜひお力になっていただけるようお願いいたします。

    Source(s): Japanese 0555
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