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At this week's BB double eviction, if you are one of the three not in the Austin Angel's alliance, which two of the Angels do you nominate?


As Vanessa is HOH this week, it is unlikely that she will nominate Austin, Julia, or Liz this week (as even if the POV is used, she has four non-alliance members to pick from). Assuming one of the three survivors from John, James, Steve, and Meg wins POV -- do you put up two of the three Austwins (Austin and Liz or Liz and Julia or Austin and Julia) or Vanessa and one of the Austwins. (Judas would put up Austin and Julia and make Liz pick between them if she won POV).

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Bb Double Eviction

  • 6 years ago

    Edit > Did you know that God will punish Pope Francis and the Catholic Church if they continue to oppose the Law in Numbers 12?

    You wrote: "If I am reading Numbers 12 correctly, there is no law in Numbers 12. Instead, it refers to the fact that, during his life, Moses was the chief prophet and that it was wrong to denigrate Moses."

    WRONG. Numbers 12 tells us that God punished Aaron and Miriam by making them both suffer. God afflicted Miriam with leprosy, so that Aaron and Miriam would BOTH suffer and be punished for their opposition to Moses.

    This means that God will punish those who oppose God's most important servants like Moses and Jesus. So what applied to Moses would also apply to the example of Jesus. Therefore, it is clearly against God's law to oppose any of this servants in such manner as described in Numbers 12.

    I am qualified to interpret/apply the law in Numbers 12 because I am JESUS CHRIST, and God has given me all power and authority to act as judge on the day of judgement, which is according to the law in John 5:22, 5:27-30 & Acts 10:42.

    But you are not qualified to interpret the law at all, which only a judge can do.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    She would put Julia or Steve up.

    If James win POV, then someone that would be kept would be put up.

    Vanessa want Meg or James out.

    For the double eviction, it depends.

    Steve would not want to win, I would be surprise if he did not try to get out early.

    James/Meg would win, Vanessa would be their target and put up Austin, Liz or Julia.

    If John Mac, he would put up Austin and Liz I think, Maybe Liz or Julia.

    If Julia wins, she would go after James or Johnny Mac

    Austin and Liz both want Steve to believe he is safe, so they would go after Johnny Mac and James

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