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How long does it usually take to toilet train a child who is truly ready?

We tried with our oldest (almost 3 at the time) this summer, but after a week of no success (he's very interested and loved his new underwear, but didn't seem able to voluntarily release) we backed off and put him back in a diapers. He obviously just wasn't ready.

I would like to try again soon. I wouldn't be in a rush normally, but his pediatrician recommended a toddler tumbling class to help with some coordination issues, and the only class around here takes only potty trained toddlers.

If he's not ready, he's not ready, but if he is you can see there is a reason to toilet train him sooner rather than later.

If he IS ready by the time we start again, how long can we expect it to take for him to get it?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Toilet Training Guide
  • 5 years ago

    Assisting your child turn out to be fully comfortable employing the potty independently – and teaching steps such as how to pull his pants down and back up, empty the potty, and wash his hands it only get 3 days with this approach .

    Start Potty Training can benefit any individual who is possessing trouble potty training his or her little one.

    Many men and women encounter conflict for the duration of this phase, and it’s a valuable reminder that you are not alone, and offers strategies for feeling far better about it. This can be a excellent precursor to embarking on the instruction, so if your tiny one is still also tiny, have a study and really feel ready for this demanding and but extremely rewarding time.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    It really depends on the child and boys are usually harder to train that girls.

    Some kids can literally be potty trained within days, others it takes months to get them completely potty trained.

    Some kids get peeing on the potty very quickly while they won't poop on the potty for months.

    I started potty training my daughter at 24 months old, and it was almost a month later than she started peeing in the potty and after that peed in the potty on a very regular basis, but she didn't poop on the potty until 4 months later. Once she did finally poop on the potty she did so almost every time and by the time she was 30 months old she was in underwear day and night and only had a few accidents here and there.

    I would say it wouldn't hurt to start trying to have him potty train again even if it does take a while it's usually better to keep at it then go back and forth between diapers and underwear (unless the child is really young for potty training which your son is not since he’s over 3). Keep him in the diapers or switch to pull ups until he is using the potty for both poop and pee on a regular basis and then switch over to underwear.

    Hope this helps and good luck!!

    Source(s): Helped potty train lots of kids over the years, both in a home environment and a daycare environment, plus I potty trained my own daughter.
  • 6 years ago

    6 to 8 Weeks

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    When my daughter told me, AT THREE YEARS OLD, that she didn't want to potty train, she liked her diapers, then I told her, "Then from now on, you are in charge of your diapers." I bought those tear-away kinds (Pull-Ups), BUT I made her wear her regular big-girl underwear on under them. I told her that the diapers would protect her, if she did have an accident, and then I taught her what to do with changes.

    One day, we went to visit Grandma and couldn't find her. We looked everywhere ... except that BATHROOM. Yup, she'd decided she didn't like the wetness after all.

    MORAL OF THE STORY: As long as you feel clean and dry, why change?

  • 4 years ago

    Have you spent as much effort

    showing him how other people potty

    as you have spent

    showing him how other people eat?

    Learning to use the toilet should be

    no more secretive or shameful

    than learning to eat.



    John Popelish

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