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Why do Arians like Jehovah Witnesses call themselves Christian?

They do not believe in Him to be God and the 2nd person in the Trinity of the one God as Jesus, His Church the Catholic Church and the bible teaches. As a result they are denying not only Jesus as the perfect sacrifice for our sins but the Gospel. Is it to be deceitful so that they can get converts? Or are they just preaching to the choir of non-believers in Christ. All three sources of truth taught in the Bible agree on the Trinity. Nowhere is the Watchtower, which is their source of this false teaching, taught to be an authoritative source of truth for Christians

13 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They maintain that the Trinity doctrine is of Satan, and that the Bible does not support either Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit, being God. They do not deny that they are modern-day representatives of the Arian controversy, though they deny being like Arius in his political endeavours, and in some details of his theological views. But, like Arius, they maintain that Jesus was created as an angel by God.

    The reason why they call themselves Christians is that any religion upholding Satanic doctrines cannot be of God, so as they 'expose' Satanic doctrines like the Trinity (and hellfire, and the soul etc), this makes them believe they are the only 'true' Christians around! Even though other small groups deny the Trinity too, the JWs find fault with them on other points of belief. It appears they prefer to be aligned with the Muslims in mutual hatred of the Trinity doctrine, than with any Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant faith (all of whom accept the Trinity doctrine).

    Sadly, they have not understood that it is only when we realize just WHO was dying for our sins at Calvary that the gospel preached becomes the biblical gospel. They agree that Jesus was fully human, but they deny that He retained the fullness of deity He had in the Godhead, prior to becoming Mary's child. They try to relegate Jesus to being 'a god' who must not be worshipped (though they worshipped Him for 52 years before making that change!) They have had to change their New World Translation in critical places to avoid the clear teaching of the full deity of Christ. And they so dismiss the Holy Spirit that they call Him 'it' and liken 'it' to electrical power that can be obtained in greater quantities the more they study and do JW work! Further, they admit that 99.9% of them do not have the Holy Spirit's anointing, yet they claim to be the only group pleasing God today?!?!

    The JWs distort the history of the Church, and they do not understand what the Trinity doctrine teaches. They make such a fuss, arguing that the Son is not the Father, when that is EXACTLY what the first point of the Trinity doctrine says! They really only find fault with the second point, that the one Being of God subsists in three uncreated 'persons'. But to listen to them, you would think Trinitarians claim that the Son is the Father! That's only what Oneness Pentecostals claim, and they are outwith the bounds of orthodox Christianity for that reason! Their ignorance of what the Church has taught for centuries on this vital doctrine is appalling. But that is because they make no examination for themselves; they only swallow whatever their handful of leaders say, and that is a gross misrepresentation of the facts.

    How the JWs need to have the reality of Jesus Christ explained to them, from the Bible - one that has not been tampered with to cloud His full deity, as is their NWT! Yet many JWs are leaving the movement, and some of them are, by the grace of God, coming to bend their knees in Jesus' name. We need to pray for them and to reach out to sincere individuals with the biblical gospel.

  • Brian
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not Arians. If your pope told this to you, then he is wrong. We are Christian Witnesses to Jehovah.

    Christians FOLLOW Jesus in the worship of his God and Father, Jehovah.

    Trintiarians WORSHIP Jesus as the second person of the Trinity. This God is man and god both, exactly like the holy trinities of the early Egyptians. They have incorporated this teaching, along with Christmas, Easter, Mistletoe, Guadalupe and myriads of other non-Christian religious teachings into their beliefs.

    Universalism is not Christianity.

    Strict adherence to Bible standards, without deluding them with other religions traditions are what Christianity is.

  • 6 years ago

    The Catholic religion has Never taught the Second Commandment that Requires us to Never make an Image of God! Plus never to Pray to anyone but God! Every time one calls jesus "God" or prays to others than God they are Sinning! Disobeying God's most Required Commandment!

    With the invention of the Printing press, people could read, see, that the Catholic religion was Not teaching much of the Bible! Mostly their desires! This is why all the New Christian religions are titled "Protestant"; because they are Not as disobedient as the Catholic religion!

    The Catholic religion was not even started until 305/6 AD by 29 very lazy men! They wanted to get more members so they even added beliefs of the fake sun-god to theirs! IF you look at the Churches they first built back then, you can even see the fake sun-god carved into their walls! Those fake sun-god beliefs have not ever been removed!

    The Catholic religion has even made tons of changes in their Bible! A Catholic friend of mine bought herself a catholic Bible in 2002 and it did Not even have the Second commandment in it!

    I dare you to compare a Protestant Bible like the NIV or NLT Bibles and a Catholic Bible and compare them!

    Look at Exodus 20:3-4! Matthew 5:17-20! 1 Corinthians chapters 5 & 6! ("homosexual"s have also been removed from Catholic Bibles!)

    Jehovah Witnesses are way off. But not as far as Catholic is! They do not include the fake sun-god beliefs...!

  • 6 years ago

    Matthew 24: 4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. We are coming to the end of this age and the very first thing the Jesus warns us of is "Watch out that no one deceives you" Satan is the father of Lies, his greatest weapon is deception. Since their inception they believed that Jesus' return was invisible. We know this is not true as the Bible tells us that he will be seen and this is very clear. In fact it tell us that every eye will see him. But in order to keep this lie alive they make Jesus out to be just a human, a perfect human but not God. However Jesus himself tells us that no one is good except God. Take a look at all their doctrine, just about all of it is not of the Bible. Some that does coincide with "their" Bible is only that way due to the adding or subtracting or the twisting of words within the scripture. In closing-bottom line is the fact that Satan is behind the deception of all their false doctrine.

  • 6 years ago

    Perhaps for the same reason arrogant Catholic priests believe they are more pious, more scriptural, more divinely appointed and valued, more wise and more knowledgeable than any others!

    Personally I find the defences erected by JW brainwashing a match for Catholic priest arrogance in ensuring truth doesn't get through!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Why does a priest spend his time on Yahoo Answers trashing people?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Not worth a lot of time joe, because you hark on this so often, simply because you know in your heart that you have spent a lifetime in a pagan religion that is condemned by God almighty.

    We have so many learned ex catholics including priests in our JW congs now who had the guts to research the truth. I hope one day you will too.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Because they are Christians, and many of them are not Arians.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Actually, the Bible teaches Jesus is Gods son Jesus died so we could get forgiveness of our sins and have hope for everlasting life. You might research the Catholic Church a pond see who started it and when. The word pope nor trinity appear in the Bible. Matthew 7:21-23 applies her

  • J
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Satan is the lord of deception.

    Is there any purpose to these cults other than to delude people and lead them away from the real Jesus?

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