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Why Timothy McVeigh is a terrorist if he attacked the government officials?


And terrorist, by definition is the one who attacked the civilians (for political reasons)

7 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Rumsfeld’s claim that he had never heard of WTC 7 is not believable. It does not reconcile with the facts about the positions he held and those of his colleagues and subordinates. It certainly doesn’t reconcile with the fact that Rudy Giuliani gave Rumsfeld a personal tour of Ground Zero just two months after the attacks. Surely Rumsfeld noticed the huge pile of still-smoking rubble that was once the building where Giuliani’s 23rd-floor emergency bunker was housed. They were photographed standing right across the street from it.

    Rumsfeld was the chairman of the advisory board for a company that occupied nearly the entirety of WTC 7. On 9/11 he led the DOD—another tenant of the building. Explosive disposal units from both the Army and the Navy (DOD entities) were scheduled to meet in WTC 7 on the morning of 9/11, ostensibly to discuss terrorism.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    "Why Timothy McVeigh is a terrorist if he attacked the government officials?"

    He destroyed the ATF building, and surrounding buildings. He killed hundreds of citizens, and very few "officials".

    "And terrorist, by definition is the one who attacked the civilians (for political reasons) "

    No, that is not the definition. It is someone that uses terror, to achieve a political goal. In this case, killing to draw attention to the ATF, which he hated.

    [EDIT: "If he would attack civilian building-yes he would be terrorist. Attacking just citizens is not terrorism by definition ."

    So someone walks into a crowded market with a bomb vest, and detonates. No civilian "buildings" are affected, but civilians are killed. This is a terrorist act. Your definition is too limited.

    McVeigh killed civilians that were not in the ATF building, and damaged civilian buildings and property. So even with your broken attempt at a definition, McVeigh is guilty of an act of terrorism.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    That is NOT the definition of a terrorist. A terrorist is someone who uses terror for political ends, and that could include attacking the government OR civilians. But as you don't want to hear that, suit yourself.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    a terrorist is really just a criminal. by labeling a person a terrorist our government gets to TAKE AWAY OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

    the gov't is famous for FALSE FLAGS against the people.

    a false flag is doing a crime and saying someone else did it. or like the britain did by having their agents dress up like muslims and go shoot up a town. they got caught, locked up and britian broke them out of jail.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Terrorists kill people to instill terror, that's the definition. LOL McVeigh mets the criteria. LOL

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    It doesnt matter what words mean. Dems and libs view freedom and small government ( same thing) as the biggest enemy to their agenda.

    Thats why they keep renaming things. Like Socialism, becomes the third way, in the 90's, and now its "no labels". anything to distract u while the progressives continue to "progress".

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    He attacked an office building and killed not only goverment employees but also children in a daycare center.

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