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Skylar J asked in Consumer ElectronicsTVs · 5 years ago

Where can I go to get someone to come calibrate my 4K TV?

I've owned a Samsung HU8550 4K TV for the past year and a half now, and I've played with the settings enough to get a pretty good picture. But I know it can be better, so I would like someone to accurately calibrate my TV.

I know I can get Best Buy's Geek Squad to come out and calibrate my TV, but I just like to have the ability to shop around, maybe see if I can't get someone better to do it. Also, I would like someone who would also come and calibrate my 3D picture settings as well. Because didn't really give advice on how to calibrate the 3D picture settings.

1 Answer

  • 5 years ago

    Actually, anything related to Geek Squad is a waste of money.

    Unless you're having technical issues with your TV, it doesn't need calibration. This sort of calibration can only be carried out by a certified TV technician - not the sort of people that Best Buy hires for Geek Squad.

    Otherwise, if you think the picture looks good, then that's good enough. Today's TVs don't need expert calibration outside of the factory like the old CRTs did because there's nothing to adjust, really. Yeah you can change the sharpness and contrast and whatnot but other than adjusting for the ambient light in the room, that's it. Even if you get one of those home theater calibration DVDs or blu-rays, you're going to find that the TV was already pretty much at its optimal settings already.

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