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Lv 6

Would Christianity be as popular if the Hebrew god was known for murder the pure and innocent.?

The need for the doctrine of original sin covers this. In this case it is just and right to joyfully bash the skulls of the little ones against the stones, or drown infants-because they are evil sinful infants worthy of the death penalty.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    The Hebrew God is a god for the radical, not the moderate.

    What purpose is there for Job's suffering? None. What offer from supposed holy men he does prescribe as a reasoning for his suffering? None. He rejects all explanations. What reason is there for God to inflict this suffering on Job? None.

    God kills the firstborn Egyptians, yes, but is that all He's doing? No. It's never as simple as so many of my fellow atheists make it out to be. What is really happening here is Moses is the presenter of the "big Other." He's telling us our suffering will have meaning, will have cause, our oppressors will be dealt with if we radicalize our faith in God, in the wholeness of our desires. And the radical God carries out the sins of the father upon the children.

    But what we really have is a contradiction. The "big Other" itself telling us we're alone and our suffering is meaningless and the presentation of that "big Other" as the meaning of our suffering. This contradiction is the fundamental basis for Christ, who literally dies a man, specifically telling us there isn't purpose or meaning. So Christ is truly an atheistic figure, the radical God doesn't exist, so our job is to radicalize the belief without the sensation of objective reason following it. That suffering to end suffering is more meaningful than suffering to reach grace and redemption in God.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Would cars be as popular if they all spontaneously exploded upon starting? No. But the *reality* is that cars DON'T all spontaneously explode upon starting.

    Would Christianity be as popular if God murders the innocent? No. But the *reality* is that God DOESN'T murder the innocent.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You seem to forget that whatever you believe in allowed all these atrocities as well.

    If the existence of atrocities means that no truth exists, then whatever you believe is a lie.

    Of course the fact that you are assigning evil to some things and good to others shows that you have an inherent knowledge of right and wrong, which only a creator could have instilled

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Would Atheism be as popular if atheists knew that GOD CREATED ALL THE LIFE HE TOOK AWAY?

    Besides, if you are complaining about the Hebrew God, then why attack Christianity? Why not Judaism?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Absolutely. Because the Hebrew God is already know for murdering children, firstborns, babies, etc. People just don't care or explain it away.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes. A true believer can explain away any atrocity as long as their god was the culprit. It is called being a delusional fool.

  • 5 years ago

    Extremists will always exist in every walk of life. To judge an entire belief system on extremism is very shallow.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The innocent (those that die in childhood innocence) simply go right into heaven, sooner...into bliss, forever....

    It's us -- you and me -- that have done insults, or prejudices, or have thrown stones, and/or figuratively, or other harms to people during life..... what will be *our* eternal fate -- yours and mine?

    We will be held accountable for all the good and bad we've done.

    Will you be forgiven? You can be.

  • 5 years ago

    This Site Might Help You:

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    No, that's not popular because it's evil.

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