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are there any prophecies in the three abrahamic religions announcing the return of jesus?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    All three Abrahamic faiths have it.

    The Jews believe the last messiah will come.

    The Christians believe Jesus will have his Second Coming

    The Muslims believe Jesus will return to annihilate the Antichrist.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    There is only One Abraham and only ONE God he worshiped. Islam cannot claim him because what they teach is against Abraham.

  • 5 years ago

    I'm pretty sure that certain Christian texts have such a prophecy, but why would either Judaism or Islam have them?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Read Revelation the last book in the Bible. I admit it is not easy to understand, but with patience and in time you will.

  • 5 years ago

    No. And there is no mention of Jesus any where in the Old Testament.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Yes. And there is only one "Abrahamic" religion, because there is only one God.

  • 5 years ago

    The religion OF Abraham is completely MUTE on the object of worship of Christianity.

    I think it is important to note that the religion (defined as belief in a deity with dogma) of Abraham was the covenant made between Abraham and God. It did NOT include the religions of Islam or Christianity. Christianity is a replacement theology that contradicts every core aspect of the eternal covenant between God and Israel. It rejects the very nature of God and the relationship between God and man that is presented in the Torah. The major difference between Judaism and Christianity is not who the messiah is, but who and what God and human and human nature are. The replacement theology of Christianity demands worship of a man as a deity . Jesus is depicted as both a demigod ( offspring between a human and deity) and God incarnate. Christian replacement theology takes the very story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis that tells how God shows that human sacrifice is unacceptable, and turns it topsy turvy to claim that it later foretells of a human sacrifice to appease God for an inherent sinful nature and atonement for sinful behavior, past, present and future. Both of those things make it incompatible with the faith of Abraham who trusted that God would deliver his son and provide a ram instead, just as God did. He’d told his servant at the bottom of the mountain they would both return, showing he trusted that God wouldn’t take Isaac.

    While I understand that Christian and Islamic doctrine see themselves as connected to Abraham based on the stories of their own scriptures, their connection to Abraham is utterly dependent on imposing meaning that is absent in the written record of the covenant OF Abraham.. Judaism, thus remains the *only* “Abrahamic faith” by literal definition to mean - the faith of Abraham.

    Abraham’s covenant was groundbreaking in the ancient world in that it was a rejection/separation from all the surrounding religions that relied on human sacrifice and beliefs that humans, Pharaohs and other kings were representations of gods in human form or deities outright.

    The God of Abraham was clearly NOT an incarnate deity. So if you want to be technical, you can't refer to an incarnate triune godhead as "Abrahamic".

    Islam's notion of God is closer to that of Torah in that it forbids the notion of incarnate deity; however the nature of God in Islam is not quite that of Torah with regard to the relationship between God and man.

    Arabic speaking Jews will also call God, Allah, and because Muslims do not believe in Jesus or anyone else as an incarnate manifestation of God as Torah teaches it is permissible by Jewish law to pray with a Muslim in a mosque unlike the prohibition to pray in a church

    The Torah God is an incorporeal and indivisible Creator of all life who wants justice, mercy and compassion and our Hebrew Bible t teaches that all humans are equal before God and all can directly know and connect to God and who can merit forgiveness through teshuvah .(repentance and return). It is human action that separates so many from their recognition of the Creator. This is very different than a religion that demands blind faith to believe or burn. Torah teaches that it is how we live and honor life and the lives to follow that open us up to the Divine spark and connection.

    The nature of God in the New Testament is a tripartate deity, an incarnate god who demands blind adherence to a belief contradictory to the Torah and condemns all people outside that belief to eternal torture in an underworld hell ruled by a demon Deity of the underworld. Both Christianity and Islam have a demon deity of an underworld hell who can battle God. Jews believe God is omnipotent, thus there is no entity with power to be a threat to thwart God's efforts.

    Abraham's covenant is for Jews to be an example in understanding that God has always been and shall forever remain directly accessible to all humans.

    It was Abraham's ACTIONS that merited God offering the covenant with him and his children through Sarah who gave birth to the miracle child Isaac whose lesson in testing Abraham told us that God does NOT want human sacrifice as all the surrounding religions used to placate their deities.

    It was the action of the Israelites in Egypt who rejected the false incarnate Pharaoh and other gods through sacrificing their holy animal in defiance before the Egyptians and placing the false god's life force "blood" on the doors of their home as an act of emancipation that showed their rededication to God and the eternal covenant. This is what enabled the entire nation of Israel to have a DIRECT encounter with the Divine at Sinai when all present were in God's immediate presence.

    There remains only ONE religion OF Abraham. He could not adhere to either the religion of Islam or Christianity that have core aspects of dogma to contradict his eternal contract with God. Abraham was a Yehudi (one who praised God) and the Yehudim, (Jews) today, are the people who belong to the faith and covenant of Abraham.

    Here is a source to help you learn more

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