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What is the actual law or rule for flying our flag at half staff?

Seems like it's at half staff more often than not, just wondering if there are actual guidelines or if it's just what we feel like doing at the time. I had always thought it was for heads of state and such. Also, when our flag is displayed with the flags of other nations, and ours is lowered, do we also lower the other flags even if they didn't authorize it? I do know that our flag is supposed to be the highest in the display. Not a flag nerd, just get annoyed when folks bow to the flag then don't seem to pay attention to any rules (flying it at night unlit, after a parade leaving all those little souvenir handout flags laying in the gutter, etc)

5 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    The President of the United States can order flags on FEDERAL buildings to be flown at half staff.

    The Governor of a state can order flags on STATE government buildings to be flown at half staff.

    The Mayor can normally order flags on local government buildings to be flown at half staff.

    US Flag code states situations where is it CUSTOMARY to order flags to be flown at half staff.

    US Flag code also defines HOW a flag is flown at half staff.

    There is no actual law about private parties flying the US flag at half mast.

  • 0110
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    No laws. Guides, yes.

    The C&C (AKA POTUS) can order half mast, only "law" on government buildings, whenever. Just as a mayor or a governor can order for their buildings.

    No one in the public must comply, only courtesy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It used to be simple.

    Now with all the .... going around it is complicated to the point nobody knows; even the VFW ignore the code.

  • ash
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    This should really be in Law and Ethics I guess can't figure out how to change it...

  • 5 years ago


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