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nickname asked in HealthMen's Health · 5 years ago

A question about my 14 year old penis as usual... how long would it get when i reach 20 yrs old?

im 13 reaching 14 this august in 21......

penis is 14cm.....

how long would it get bla bla bla you know what i mean

men's health

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Maybe 1-2 more cm but not until you are 20, more like 17. I'm 28, mine stopped at 17 and is 11cm erect. It was 7-8 cm when I was 13/14.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I hate to be the bearer of sensible news.. but a penis does not continue to get longer into your 20s. full growth occurs fairly early in puberty and it will be done years before you reach 20

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The penis reaches full adult length by 14-15 and full final girth by 15-16. So what you have now may be what you have at 20. Or could grow more over the next year. Adult average size is 5.16 inches.

  • 5 years ago


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