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What is cancer and why is it deadly?

Am a 9th grader, won't take about cancer in months... but till then, im dying to know what cancer is and how it kills.... what has happened to the cells? what do cancerous cells do? why can't it be cured easily with chemo? plz inspire me...

10 Answers

  • alan
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I ,m a cancer victim, Cancer is a mutation of healthy cells,There is over 50 types of cancer which can effect the human body with deadly consequences.Chemo therapy come in may forms Radiation therapy is one.Bombarding some cells with sound and breaking them up is another Gamma knife treatment, chemical chemo,Which i,m presently on.No one chemo works on all cancers, Cancer is a multiple diseases with multiple treatments.For me i have multiple Myeloma Which is a blood cancer.I was given three years to live I,m presently at five,, I have died twice and been brought back, My Doctors say I,m obviously not ready to die, AND i,m not, i,m only 58, have decades a life ahead of me,We have been lucky finding the right treatments that i,m responding to But In most cases the treatment OR the chemo is what kills most paitents,

  • 5 years ago

    Cancer is a general term used to describe about 200 different diseases.

    What they have in common is a cell mutation that causes the cell to reproduce without dying, usually resulting in cells that do not fulfill the function of the cells where they originated.

    These cells continue to multiply and spread if not stopped by treatment until such time as they cause death.

    Because these are normal cells that have mutated anything that ix guaranteed to kill then can also harm good cells which is why treatment is such a difficult balancing act.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    To put it very basically and simply:

    You are born with millions & millions of different cells in your body. Each cell has a different "job" to do. Each cell is pre-programmed to die and be replaced by a new healthy cell after a specific length of time. Everything is fine, as long as things continue that way.

    Sometimes, a cell does not die when it was programmed to do so. Instead, it mutates and begins replicating itself. The mutated, replicated cell invades nearby healthy cells; those cells then begin replicating themselves and invading other healthy cells, until ultimately a cancer develops somewhere in your body. A cancer is basically a cell that has "gone wild".

    "Chemo" is a broad term, which really means several different kinds of medications that are compounded to "target" those cells that are already known to have "gone wild", and kill them. It's ingredients are compounded for you and your cancer alone. The medications in a "chemo" treatment that might work for you and your cancer, might not work for me and my cancer.

    Chemo cannot target every cell in your body - it would kill you, if it did. Sometimes a cell has mutated and has begun to replicate itself into a completely different type of cancer, in an entirely different part of your body, BEFORE you ever begin chemo treatment; and it can remain dormant there for years. That is why it is sometimes said that a cancer "comes back" years later. It was never really gone.

    Source(s): BIL is an M.D.
  • watson
    Lv 5
    4 years ago

    Cells that won't die

  • LAN
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    You would be better off going to reputable sites to do honest research. Here are a couple to get you started.

    If all you want is a general overview then this may help as well.

  • 5 years ago

    There's a lot on Google.

  • kelvin
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    i have stage one liver and kidney cancer and it all depends on two things, what type of cancer it is and what stage the cancer is in

  • 5 years ago

    Cells that won't die

    Source(s): Cancer is when you cells won't die since you are a 9 grader I don't have to explain what cells is when they won't die it can be harmful and it can multiply the closest we are to a cure are crispr look It op on wiki cancer and crispr and if you are confused ask you teacher he/she will probably love to answer and teach you why that's kinda their hob
  • april
    Lv 7
    5 years ago
  • 5 years ago

    sigh....nothing you need to know about.

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