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Lv 6

It is stupid to say that historically the Bible is used as evidence of the claims it makes. JUST THE OPPOSITE?

We need to examine the first three Gospels, the Synoptics, for just six facts-facts that are not entangled with ancient cultural patterns, which would make it necessary for us to reconstruct those patterns. No, what we need are things the original onlookers could easily observe and accurately report.

FACT 1: There was a man called Jesus.

FACT 2: He claimed to be a messenger sent by God.

FACT 3: He did enough to prove that He was such a messenger.


FACT 4: Crowds followed Christ. But He had an inner circle to whom He spoke more intimately. This is merely what we would expect.

FACT 5: He told His followers to continue His teaching.

FACT 6: Jesus gave the message that God would protect that teaching: “He who hears you hears me; he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me” (Luke 10:16).

In summary then, we see a group that is commissioned to teach by a messenger sent by God, and promised God’s protection for that teaching. These observations are made without treating the Scriptures as inspired

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6 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    There are Proofs! Every single line of history in the Bible records have been found to conform from Three to over 250 places for each one! Records of Adam and Eve are one that records have been found in over 250 places, including in China! Plus as of a decade ago 87% of ALL the predictions had happened and 100% confirm Facts!

    In 1947 caveS were found in Israel with tons of records of History! Even whole other books from Jesus' time and earlier!

    Be careful with the Catholic religion. Where the Bible states on the day before Jesus was Crucified; he was teaching on a hill to 10,000 men, not including all the woman and children,... A catholic film bought recently (not knowing it was Catholic then) claimed that meeting happened inside of a room, with few there. (Shameful)

    The Bible has been Confirm over and over! I dare YOU to LOOK!

    How do you explain Noah['s Ark being at the top of a giant monition in Turkey, built to the same measurements as the Bible states? Flat in the front and back, same measurements, just as the Bible states? Large enough for 100s of Train cars to fit in. Well?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Here. Let me fix that for you:


    1) There was a man named Ebeneezer Scrooge

    2) He saw ghosts

    3) He gave people presents

    4) Everybody was grateful and believed in the power of xmas

    5) We still celebrate xmas today

    6) Ebeneezer and the ghosts are real

    7) If ghosts are real there must be a god

    8) Ebeneezer is proof that god exists.

    Rolls eyes

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    You're assumption is all wrong ! That because you didn't know that THE BIBLE is an book into which is Hidden THE WORD OF GOD ! Many Keys are needed to unlock that ! So go back and start again from this Perfect starting point I give you !


    david stotler

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    as soon as one defined parameters of truth, they are now dowsing the flames of truth to a more irrelevant argument.

    comeing from the personal experiencer of revelation, no matter what argument is displays, personal revelation proves there is a God. what is truth? the word of God. ! what is the word of God, first its jesus Christ and then its the holy scriptures. if we only had the bible and the Koran, it would disputing two opposite doctrines in some cases... whether jesus was resurrected and whether the bible preserved the truth that says Jesus said he was the SON of God. and then there is the Book of Mormon, it also says that Jesus is the Son of God. So, by excluding all things to 3 gospels you pervert the truth and change the parameters, you also control what is being said and what can be taught, and you would totally incorrect

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Well many historians today have found no evidence of the great flood, the destruction of sodom and gomerrah, the tower of babble, and it goes on and on and on.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    So far, you can't even validate Christ.

    You need to start there, before calling your mythology a fact. A fact it isn't.

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