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Lv 6
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 5 years ago

BBC news today show more children coming into the UK, why was their faces blurred?

44 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    BBC news today show more children coming into the UK, why was their faces blurred... for they are just an innocent one that must be handle with care or any harm from others that have a broken heart and can not think at all even on their own safety sake.

    some will tell you story like this one and have a point:

    The BBC blurs out the faces of all of these "child" migrants to maintain the fiction that they are all children and none are lying about their ages.

    Other media outlets only blur faces where they are legally required to i.e. those that are actually children. We face the ridiculous charade that 20-40 year old male economic migrants are flooding into the UK when actual needy children are left behind.

    This circus is all so the rich left can virtue signal to each other about how righteous they are, and not at all like those nasty waycists who voted for Brexit.

    Meanwhile these migrants are all housed in scarce social housing in areas inhabited by ordinary people, not in the homes of the rich left or anywhere near the areas where they live.

    Just as mass immigration under Labour was used to "rub the Right's nose in diversity", to quote a senior Labour wonk, so mass refugee accommodation will be used to punish people who voted for Brexit. Anyone speaking out against this will be denounced as a nasty waycist

  • RichB
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The BBC blurs out the faces of all of these "child" migrants to maintain the fiction that they are all children and none are lying about their ages.

    Other media outlets only blur faces where they are legally required to i.e. those that are actually children. We face the ridiculous charade that 20-40 year old male economic migrants are flooding into the UK when actual needy children are left behind.

    This circus is all so the rich left can virtue signal to each other about how righteous they are, and not at all like those nasty waycists who voted for Brexit.

    Meanwhile these migrants are all housed in scarce social housing in areas inhabited by ordinary people, not in the homes of the rich left or anywhere near the areas where they live.

    Just as mass immigration under Labour was used to "rub the Right's nose in diversity", to quote a senior Labour wonk, so mass refugee accommodation will be used to punish people who voted for Brexit. Anyone speaking out against this will be denounced as a nasty waycist.

  • 5 years ago

    Because they are supposedly minors. I hear that the people of Great Torrington are up in arms about a number being sent there. The BBC just said North Devon, but people know exactly where it is.

  • 5 years ago

    Because those children have a RIGHT to privacy and

    to their dignity they ARE NOT to be treated by sad old

    bitter voyeurs as if they are goldfish in a bowl we know

    already that aides VERY close to the British government

    see photographing children as a sick and normal practice

    The conviction recently of David Cameron's closest aide vile

    PATRICK ROCK who was found guilty of being in possession

    of images of 10 year old girls in swimsuits for sexual abuse is

    evidence of the fact that Britain has a sick issue with what is a

    child and what is an adult > and THE VIDEO when you click on

    MY name >Nathan< VIDEO is proof that's worldwide knowledge

    BRITAIN is WAY way behind on schedules and on numbers for the

    fulfillment of their DUTY under INTERNATIONAL LAW to take more

    refugees and the responsibility and blame for failing is Theresa May's

    Also the vulture photographers and paparazzi like those who drove

    Diana to her early grave have created a negative view of the refugees

    they have deliberately target photographed adults to make a sensation

    EVERY ONE of those refugees and more to follow deserves a bravery

    award they have made it they will stay here and are welcome here that

    is reflected by huge turnout at Whitehall the other day to publicly say so

    Source(s): - Don't forget the VIDEO click *my* name and watch (brace yourselves) ! THIS IS BRITAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The Daily Star has also blurred the faces of some obvious child migrants to protect their privacy.

  • 5 years ago

    Because those children have a RIGHT to privacy and

    to their dignity they ARE NOT to be treated by sad old

    bitter voyeurs as if they are goldfish in a bowl we know

    already that aides VERY close to the British government

    see photographing children as a sick and normal practice

    The conviction recently of David Cameron's closest aide vile

    PATRICK ROCK who was found guilty of being in possession

    of images of 10 year old girls in swimsuits for sexual abuse is

    evidence of the fact that Britain has a sick issue with what is a

    child and what is an adult > and THE VIDEO when you click on

    MY name >Nathan< VIDEO is proof that's worldwide knowledge

    BRITAIN is WAY way behind on schedules and on numbers for the

    fulfillment of their DUTY under INTERNATIONAL LAW to take more

    refugees and the responsibility and blame for failing is Theresa May's

    Also the vulture photographers and paparazzi like those who drove

    Diana to her early grave have created a negative view of the refugees

    they have deliberately target photographed adults to make a sensation

    EVERY ONE of those refugees and more to follow deserves a bravery

    award they have made it they will stay here and are welcome here that

    is reflected by huge turnout at Whitehall the other day to publicly say so

    Source(s): - Don't forget the VIDEO click *my* name and watch (brace yourselves) ! THIS IS BRITAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The purpose is intended to protect the minors from unwanted publicity, or from being picked on by other children or hostile adults that might try to harm them. Rightfully so. Blaming children is so wrong, particularly when they have no control over their young, tender lives. Isn't it curious how a nation is judged by the way it treats CHILDREN, the elderly and their mentally ill and their criminal inmates?

  • 5 years ago

    If they haven't been given permission from their parents or guardian, then they can't be shown on any form of media images, regardless of whether they are migrants or not. It's a basic rule in the U.K. to protect children's privacy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    well, why were faces blurred! to protect the children against abuse, breaches of privacy and 'cause they are children (minors) and in law they cannot be shown...

  • 5 years ago

    Those 'children' are so old that the first thing they need when they land is a razor. They do not want us to see them for ourselves.

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