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Still filled with resent over my ex, HOW TO BE LESS HATEFUL?

I broke up with my girlfriend in July. We dated for one year. I was 22 and it was my first serious relationship. I did everything for her. I was so nice and she even called me an angel. I was always there for her. She treated me okay but it got worse and worse. It seemed like the nicer I was the more disrespectful she became. I was a very good boyfriend and trust me I m not inflating it at all. Anything I did was never enough and she was selfish, immature, and it felt like babysitting having to constantly reassure her and explain myself. 6 months later and I am thankful to be rid of her and have clarity about the situation. I just can t believe I let her walk all over me. So how do I let go of the hatred and move on with my ******* life

4 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    It takes time.

    I felt that towards my ex for a long time but the hatred effected me less and less as time went on.

    I used to think about it everyday and I'm at the point now (3 and a half years later) where it doesn't really cross my mind that often anymore.

    I still don't feel good about him or truly forgive but I have nothing to do with him anymore so it doesn't really matter right now, it's in the past.

    It's okay to feel, it's normal so let the feelings come, over time they will lessen and lessen until one day you realise they've stopped effecting you.

    In the meantime, acknowledge their existance but try to get on with things. Try to look back in a grateful way that you are in a better place in life now rather than an angry way. You can't change the past but you can change the future.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Do you think maybe you're mad at yourself for allowing her to treat you the way that she did? It's time to let it go. You've learned some valuable lessons here. Take them forward. As time passes, you'll be able to let this go some more.

    As humans, we are defaulted to be selfish and so sometimes we say/do selfish things around the people we love. That can be understood/forgiven, however it sounds like she was downright awful. YOu have to find something inbetween that you can deal with.

    You're young and you're still learning about yourself and people. You apparently dated a young girl who hasn't learned about life yet. oH well, she's in the past. Move on. At least you didn't marry the brat, right?

  • 4 years ago

    Living well i the best revenge. Obviously your life is not very good yet, this is why u re still bitter. Improve the quality of your life

  • Joe
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    You are angry about the time you wasted.....stop wasting more time being angry.

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