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T asked in Science & MathematicsChemistry · 4 years ago

Which of the following reactions have a positive ΔSrxn? Check all that apply.?





3 Answers

  • 4 years ago



    These are the correct answers.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I think you mean entropy

    For entropy to be positive solids should be turned into liquid or gases.

    In gases

    Moles of gaseous products > Moles of gaseous reactants

    For reaction

    1st reaction - Entropy is positive (moles of products > Reactants)

    2nd reaction - Entropy is positive (solid is turned into gas)

    3rd reaction - Entropy is negative (moles of products < reactants)

    4th reaction - Entropy is negative (moles of products < reactants)

  • Dylan
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    So you want something that is more discorded.

    So this is solids turning to liquids and liquids turning to gasses

    or 1 mole of gas turning into two moles of gas ect.


    Solids turning to gas so more disorder, positive delta S

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