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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 years ago

Do you think Putin or another outside communist influence is driving this anti-Trump campaign. Is this protest the real conspiracy?

There has to be money behind it to keep it going. And, it just has to be more money than selling commercials on low rated cable news channels, or in a news media that is so broke it is firing most of its employees. So, where is the money coming from? It has to be foreign governments who don't like Trump and want the way the country was going under obama, i.e. downhill. That limits the possible candidates to China, Russia, Iran. So, it could be that the real foreign interference and conspiracy in the US election is what is going on now, not this silly anti-Trump stuff that the snowflake crowd is hanging on to. That the democrats and liberals are actually what they are protesting. That they have been set up by Putin and his buddies to corrupt the election. These adversarial leaders tend to know how to handle US liberals, and the democrat leadership is either so devoid of talent that it does not know what is going on or has sold out to Putin.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The enemies of the US know our weaknesses better than most Americans.

    Lincoln said it clearly: A house divided against itself can not stand.

    Look what this has caused/exacerbated. The worst division this country has EVER suffered.


  • 4 years ago

    Are you one of the more than 200 Russian-gang used BOTS to spread disinformation and sow dissent?

    Vladimir Putin, a short man with a giant ego, and Donald Trump, a short lifts-wearing (5'11") disgustingly vain, grossly vulgar, deeply insecure old man with a malignant narcissistic ego, are two peas in a corrupt pod, with Putin having the bigger due to his Cold War KGB years that he now wants to have back.

    When the Secretary Clinton suggested economic sanctions for Russia not on Putin himself, but on all the MAFIA-involved billionaire oligarchs with whom corrupt Putin has surrounded himself in his Kleptocracy ruthless government, President Obama listened, and then did exactly that, convincing Europe to break their dependence upon Russian oil and help block trade with the sanctioned oligarchs, freezing their assets in foreign and U.S. banks. Putin tried to pretend this "spanking" did not worry him and that it "did not hurt" (like a defiant child with a tear in his eye, rubbing his backside after a parental authority figure's whupping, and defiantly claiming, "That didn't hurt!" when we know that is not true), but inside the cold-blooded tiny tyrant was seething, determined to take his revenge. Interestingly (and missed by the press completely), when the Russian fighter plane flying into Turkish airspace while Putin was busy bombing civilian sites in Iraq was shot down by Turkey's military, Putin tried to EMULATE President Obama (a psychologist would be able to analyze this secret admiration for President Obama's strength and the effectiveness of the sanctions on Russian oligarchs) and "put sanctions on" Turkey, even though Turkey is not reliant on Russia much.

    MAFIA influence is more accurate when you are talking about Putin, because the Russian government consists of MAFIA figures all answerable to Putin. Based upon this gang action, you should be told that a long-time 2002-2007 Trump business partner has been Felix Sater, who has a very interesting criminal past. Sater is the Russian-born son of the Russian MAFIA crime boss who was caught by our FBI in 1991 as a stockbroker setting up a $40 million stock fraud scheme that was designed by MAFIA boss son Sater to help make new inroads into Wall Street for LA COSA NOSTRA crime families. To escape prison in 1991, Sater agreed to be an on-again/off-again FBI informant, but did not give up his criminal ways (Johnston, 2016). By 2001, Sater had magically become the CEO of the Russian-owned Bayrock Group real estate development agency, and then became Trump's Senior Business Consultant with Trump-given offices on the 22nd floor of Trump Tower only two floors below Trump's. Money laundering for the Russian MAFIA evidently continued, since Sater was waiting for his sentence for that particular offense in 2015 and 2016 shortly after he had gotten out of prison for stabbing a fellow stockbroker in the face with a broken Margarita glass. This is Trump's "communist influence" guy---someone who is known to have acted as a middleman in December 2016 to help Trump's organized-crime lawyer Cohen hand deliver a Trump message to the Russian top-spy Ambassador Kislyak after President Obama ousted Russian diplomats and seized the U.S.-owned mansion (the one Kushner wanted to use for a back-road way to communicate directly with the Kremlin without our "pesky" intelligence community knowing). This TREASON-committing Trump letter is being investigated to see if a civilian (not sworn-in) Trump told Putin (Russia) that he would let the diplomats return---no penalty [for HACKING and committing CYBER WARFARE against the United States]! Trump can be bought with an EGO STROKE, and Putin knows it, probably through the MAFIA boss's son Sater.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    NO not Putin, or other countries.

    President Trump said, make NO mistake, he WILL drain the swamp. Look, this is all working, cooking and simmering. The left are destroying the Democratic party from within. The Republicans are all making fools of themselves, and being exposed for all the lies they spew. President Trump has done an incredible job, of flushing them out into the open for all to see the truth. This government and both parties are destroying themselves. Lies and corruption always end up being exposed when the conglomeration of lies become so huge and entangled they can no longer be supported. That folks IS what is Unsustainable as the politicians say. Unsustainable pack of politicians is what is behind ALL of this anti Trump spew.

    I mean really, consider for example, we see, Hearings, Congressional Investigations, Confirmations broadcast on TV. You can not even tell the difference in what you see. And what is the point, they do nothing, nothing comes of it, and it IS only a show to allow these cockroach politicians to have some camera time, and make speeches full of their lies.

    What you see going on in this country is the swamp draining very fast. however, don't expect these lying cockroaches to relent. They now are fighting to keep the AMERICAN PEOPLE from taking this country back. They have created a phony fairy tale land we all have been living in. They created this mess, of our economy, SSI being un funded cause they stole the money. We all can see now, they lied to us, and they failed us. They are far from being trustworthy. We should throw the entire government out, they have made it rancid from top top bottom, and we need to start over. We should elect people of integrity because this government HAS NONE.

    It is nice to see, in every recent election, the old politicians are replaced with new faces. I hope for the sake of our country my Trust in the American People is enough.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The Democrats and the MSM are behind it.

  • 4 years ago

    It's not possible that anyone could dislike Trump therefore they must be being paid to do so?

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Libtard hatred needs no external force. It is its own source of energy. If we could harness this energy source, such as by incinerating liberals, we would never again need to import oil.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    so when his own son admits to meeting russians along with trumps campaign manager and son in law where they are offered illegal support and you still think it is a conspiricy against him? I think you must be stupid enough to make a great Trump supporter. you'll feel right at home among the other mouth-breathers

  • 4 years ago


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