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Kiran C asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 years ago

Do you know the Republican Senate will vote on a bill they hope will never become law?


Read the link below for more details.

In nutshell, Senate is voting on their skinny repeal bill and hoping the bill goes to Committee so the Republican House and the Republican Senate work out a deal or something. The Republican House is threatening to pass the bill as is so there will be no Committee. The Republican Senate want assurances that will not happen; otherwise, they may not let the skinny bill come up for vote.

Update 2:

It is the prefect ending to seven years of the GOP waiting to storm the gates but looking for excuses not do it when real people are affected.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Heard that from McCain and Graham..could not believe it. Guess they are under so much pressure to pass SOMETHING that they will vote yes on a bill that they know is a bad one and will not work , but will pass it, so long as the House promises to not pass it as well. Just use it as a tool to get to conference, because they failed to come up with something they really want passed.

    Its as if they admit they are incapable of coming up with a bill that they can agree would be a good thing and would work better than the ACA, but are asking to please let them pass it anyway, but please don't really use it because we really don't like it, but we have to pass just let us get the credit for a pass without holding us responsible for this horrible thing we are passing. ???????

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The house in part passed their bill (which really sucked) so they could blame the Senate. The house would accept any bill the Senate would pass and then blame the senate for the bill.

    House members all come up for reelection in 2018 they wanted to pass anything so they would not have to take the blame for not repealing it.


    Republicans have spent eight years fooling themselves about Obamacare. They have built a news bubble that relentlessly circulates exaggerated or made-up news of the law’s shortcomings and systematically ignores its successes. The smartest members of the conservative-wonk set played a more clever game to retain their influence. No serious conservative analyst could argue that Obamacare had actually made the health-care system worse. How could they, when the federal government is now spending less money on health care than it was projected to spend before Obamacare passed, medical inflation is at the lowest level since the government began recording it 50 years ago, and 20 million more Americans have insurance? But admitting Obamacare constituted an improvement in the health-care system, even an imperfect one, would be tantamount to expulsion from the conservative movement, and with it any hope of influencing Republican policy. The closest they might come is pleading that repealing Obamacare was “not enough,” that they must also replace it with something better. This formulation allowed them to neatly sidestep the question of whether repeal alone would make the system better or worse.

    So instead of comparing Obamacare to what it replaced, they compared it to the plan Republicans would have passed, if only they had the chance. The existence of the mythical Republican health-care plan was the foundation for every serious critique of the law. And now that that plan has finally appeared, virtually the entire conservative intelligentsia has been forced to admit it is worse than Obamacare. The single data point that conservatives have repeated with the most relentless frequency is that Obamacare is unpopular. It is true that, for most of its life, the law has polled in the 40s. Republicans deemed all disapproval of Obamacare to be approval for their stance, never acknowledging that much of this disapproval came from those who wanted the law to do more, not less. Now that there is a Republican alternative, it is polling at an astonishing 17 percent. Comically, repeal efforts have pulled Obamacare’s polling above water. The slim reed of public opinion upon which they built their manic repeal crusade snapped immediately under the weight of political implementation.

    Whatever Republicans and Trump pass or fail to pass they will own it.

    Trump made the Republican Insurance Plan (RIP) even worse to satisfy the ultra-far-right "Freedom Caucus," making it a douchebag RIP (DRIP).

    Trump on Healthcare Plan: "I am going to take care of everybody!"

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago


  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Yes. Pretty crazy

  • .
    Lv 7
    4 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    No government business! You didn't catch that part of their rant?

  • 4 years ago

    Do you know politicians from BOTH parties routinely vote for bills they KNOW won't become law so they can LIE to the voters about supporting whatever it is?

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    It is my honor to announce that my wig HAS NOT fallen off while I was pooping. *clapclapclapclapclap*

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