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Lv 4
kavana asked in SportsRugby · 3 years ago

Global rugby season?

Anyone think this is a good idea?yes/no,why?

3 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    There needs to be a unified "calendar" with the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and Southern Hemisphere (SH) comps (league already has this- yes- it means that the Superleague plays a bulk of their season in the summer but you have co-ordination; league just needs more meaningful test matches). Right now for union it's never-ending; the fall test series mean NH sides in the middle of their season and SH sides traveling huge distances being at the end of theirs. The summer test matches mean that NH sides are beat up after 10-11 months traveling to SANZAR nations in the middle of their domestic comp (Super Rugby) as a lead-in to the so-called Rugby Championship. It's beyond ludicrous. NH sides in the European Cup will play 22 domestic comp matches, another 10 European games, and that doesn't count fall test matches, 6N, and summer tests (add another 3-7 games for a Lions Tour every four years). So an elite player could easily play 35-40 games in a season with a break of maybe 1-2 weeks in the summer. And we wonder why players are breaking down by the time they hit 30.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 years ago


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