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What can I do about my high interest car rate?

I have used car that I owe about 6000 now. My payments are 230 a month. However my interest rate is so high, every payment I make barely subtracts form the total amount owed. At this rate I won t get out of this debt anytime soon even though what I owe in total isn't that much. What should I do?

4 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    As you continue paying, the amount that is applied to the principle will increase. It's the same when you buy a home. At first, only a small part of the payment goes toward the principle, and later on, MOST of the payment goes toward the principle.

  • 3 years ago

    You can try to refinance. But you would have to compare the value of the car to the amount owed.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    its capitalism its your own fault it always is you shoulda woulda coulda looked after yourself but your eyes were too big for your belly and Mr Wolf enticed you in that's why we love each other so much we love being ripped off by business and companies and the tell us they are our best friends they are there for us its all over the place in ads we are there for you but pay up or else you are out on the street sucker

  • nt
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    You can try refinancing if you have had it for at least a year. And, you can prepay extra which will reduce the overall interest you pay and reduce the term.

    You may be upside down & unable to refinance for another year or so which means prepaying is your best bet.

    The other thing is, its very hard to find anyone that will bother with a $6000 car loan.

    Which means just pay extra as much and as often as you can. But understand that those payments dont' let you skip payments in the future but they will save a ton of interest in the long run.

    Paying $300-350 every month would save you a lot of interest. You just never know exactly how long you have left. But don't worry, if you overpay by mistake, they will refund it and send your title. (I mean as your balance gets down low)

    Also, dont pay any attention to the amount of every payment that is interest. That's water under the bridge at this point. Just worry about prepaying as much as possible.

    You can find out your rate and then play with a calculator to see how much faster you can pay it off by increasing your payment.

    Im guessing you have a bad interest rate which is fairly common for young people with less than great credit. Not much you can do about it but pay it off and be sure to shop around & compare next time before signing up for another loan.

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