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In stories does 'kissing passionately' mean the same thing as a french kiss(with tongues)? Yes or no and what is the difference?

I want to know because I read romance fanfiction and if I was writing something, i would say something like this:

(Male lover one, french kiss female lover one passionately and lovingly.) That's is what I would say, does the words

Kissing Passionately=French kiss

Yes or No, Please explain to the best of your ability thanks.

1 Answer

  • Ham
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    No. A french kiss can also be dispassionate. Say keeping your bodies deliberately apart and just limiting the kiss to mouth contact. Passion is where you throw aside other hindrances and lose yourself in the moment. This is reflected in actions like closing eyes, pressing against the other, touching and being touched.

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