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? asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 3 years ago

How to get my hair really curly?

When I was a toddler I used to have naturally curly hair. It was in really tight ringlets and it looked so cute! Unfortunately my mum straightened my hair for the first time when I was about 5, and my hair has just been wavy ever since. Up until recently I haven't really had much hope for my hair and thought it would look like this for the rest of my life. I hate it and it's so difficult to do anything with. It doesn't look very stylish either.

I can't decide if I want my hair either REALLY curly or REALLY straight but I just can't deal with it being wavy anymore as it's SO annoying! My mum recommended getting my hair permed but surely there must be easier, cheaper ways to get it back to how it used to be?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    There is nothing unique about curly hair or any hair. Millions of women have naturally curly hair, it's not that special. Neither is straight hair.

    I recommend just wear what you naturally have.

    As a straight man, I persoanlly like wavy hair on women, it's a good middle ground.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    The straightening when you were 5 is not what caused your hair to become just wavy. Often we have hair as children that changes as we grow older. Straightening can't alter the fundamental structure of your hair, so it's affected for the entire future. Only nature can do that.

    If you want curls, get your hair permed. That's the only way to do it. There's no "easier" way.

    I might also point out that you will never have the soft curls of childhood again. You can't make your hair look and feel exactly that way, because children's hair texture is different from that of older people.

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