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Wish Help?

There's an app called Wish (you've probably heard of it, if not, it's like Amazon but everything's cheaper) that I downloaded just over a week ago. I've ordered about 10 items over the last 7 days and none of them have arrived yet. At least 6 items have been shipped over the last 5 days yet none of them are here. I got an email this morning saying that one of my items have been refunded and when I checked the reason why they refunded it it said "ordered by mistake". I'm beyond confused. Why am I not receiving any of the things I've bought? I typed my address in perfectly. Is it normal for Wish products to take a long time to arrive? Or is this abnormal? Please help I've lost £30 already and I need to know if I'm going to be getting what I've ordered or not :(

2 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    There is a reason its cheaper than amazon...

  • 3 years ago

    Never heard of them. But when I've ordered stuff from Amazon, rarely have the items arrived sooner than 2 weeks. Does Wish not offer tracking??

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