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Anonymous asked in TravelIndiaThiruvananthapuram · 3 years ago

do you believe the TROUBLING ALLEGATIONS about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh?

apparently he drank alcohol in high school

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Ya know what??????? what did it matter?????? we didn't have the VOTES to stop him........and at the end of the day, he could have sucked off HITLER for all it mattered.......cons were gonna elect him anyway, because he's a con, and this is their WET DREAM, ---to stack the Supreme court with Cons.

    So it really didn't matter what anyone believed or what the truth was.........Cons were gonna elect him anyway..........because that's how the game is played.

    We're in power, and we'll stick our guys on the supreme court to get OUR way.

    So in the end....what did it matter if he raped anyone, molested his own daughters, or had sex on the White House front porch?

    Cons were gonna elect him anyway. That was obvious from day one, and we didn't have the votes to stop it...............which was also obvious from day one.

    Stopping him, involving believing in some pie in the sky HOPE that some cons would actually use good judgement and refuse his nomination.

    I stopped believng in myths and fairytales when I was a kid.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 years ago

    Honestly I don't know what ti think and I'm a conservative. I think they're both privileged.,..that something is up with Kavanaugh and the Ford woman has some other problems aside from being sexually assaulted

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    and tried to rape a girl too with one of his friends.

  • 3 years ago

    Yes, I do because there are a million secret documents on Kavanaugh that the Republicans refused to allow the Democrats to see. Then, McConnell told Donald NOT to nominate Kavanaugh because of what is in those secret files.

    McConnell said there is no way Kavanaugh will be nominated if people knew the truth about Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh lied under oath and the rumors that surround him are disturbing.

    Trump has a bad reputation for electing criminals to his cabinet and over half of them are under federal investigation-- which is costing the taxpayer billions of dollars. Trump likes to hire people that he can blackmail--Putin style.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    OMG. A little booze in high school. Call out the national guard.

  • 3 years ago

    Drank alcohol? Obviously a no good nominee!!

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    No. He is as pure as the driven snow. I want him on the Supreme Court so he can stop abortions, stop gay marriages, and remove women's voting rights.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Nope , desperation

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Gosh I’m in total shock, just unbelief and to think I supported him. Well no longer!

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    The key word is allegations. . (Unproven allegations)

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