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Would Justice Kavanaugh now be more likely to vote against any abortion case brought before the Supreme Court?

Since Abortion is liberals pet project, would a Justice Kavanaugh now be more likely to overturn Row v. Wade just to get back at the way liberals are treating him?

5 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    If he would make a vote like that, affecting tens of millions of people, just to "get back at" Democrats, is that the kind of person you would want as a Supreme Court judge?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    if i was brett i would have no sympathy for leftists lol ... i wouldnt even try to play nice ..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    He has not been appointed yet. The SC can only rule on a case brought before it after it goes to a lower court. Since 2000 when Bush appointed 2 conservatives to the SC no one has done that. Judge K. said he considers the 1973 ruling settled law. To me that means he is not likely to reverse it, and the rest of the justices would not overturn it. How he can get back at those who are abusing this whole nomination process with the accuser asking the Senate to have conditions exactly as she wants, is to do the same thing. Whatever he does will drag the process out and the Dems hope they will have a majority in November and impeach Mr Trump and persuade the Senate against any conservative even though the justices are non-partisan.

  • 3 years ago

    Not to pick on your misspelling but Row V. Wade sound like a decision on how to cross a river or lake.

    If he lets personal feelings like that into his decisions he is most definitely not fit to be on the SC or even be a judge at any level.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    You mean like how Ginsburg's overt hatred of Trump influences her decisions? Maybe.

    I don't get all the crying about Roe v Wade. If overturned, which is very unlikely, decision power would go back to the states, and blue states could start killing all the babies they want.

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