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Anonymous asked in TravelUnited KingdomLiverpool · 3 years ago

Scouse not English?

I hear this in Liverpool football and I'm wondering why they say this. Was it because it was treated the worst during the Thatcher years and got an unfair reputation? Or is it because of it's Irish ancestry?

8 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    We speak FIVE(5) languages in Liverpool




    Erse (Irish Gaelic)

    & Anglo Saxon (swearing).

    Ha!!! Ha!!! Ha!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 years ago

    I'm not sure this is what you're looking for. 'Scouse' really comes from 'Lobscouse' a meal often eaten by sailors. It had meat in it. In the 30's, during the depression, there was a meal called 'blind Scouse', which had no meat.

    Nothing to do with Thatcher.

    Ever heard of a 'Bairkaned case'? That's people from across the Mairsy.' If you want a cathedral, we've got one to spare.' By the way, 'Standing thair like wun of Lewises' does not refer to the Epstein statue on the front of Lewis' store, but to the non-human models displaying clothing in the Lewis store.

    Other quotes: When someone yawns without covering their mouth: 'Shut yair mouth luv. Thairs a bus comin'.' - Mairsey Tunnel. Anyway. 'Was a marra wi chew?'

    This is for Guru Hank: On teaching practice in the Pool, a fellow student from London said to me, 'I don't get it. There are 5 girls in the school who have the same surname and say they are sisters, but they all have either different skin colour or eye shapes.' How can you live in London and be so naive? Very carefully, I explained to her that the mother was probably a very careless prostitute.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    NOBODY is "english" there is NO such nationality

    Source(s): Scouse IRISH 100% blood Irish born Liverpool now cosmopolitan
  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Liverpool was built on as much Welsh settlement as Irish...Was always told a great grandmother of mine used to say she was going to ENGLAND when she left Liverpool ever...

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Some say so but the reality is that most Scousers today are a mix of both English and Irish heritages. You can see the clear Irish features in so many Scousers, they are clearly mixed with the English.

  • 3 years ago

    This is wishful thinking on the part of the other English. In fact, the Scouse are English, although surveys done at the start of the 20th century revealed that 80% of Liverpool docks prostitutes were in fact Scottish.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    If you HEAR people speaking Scouse it will be clear to you that it's not English

    Source(s): been to liverpool
  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Envy of the city's great footballing history is the main reason.

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