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kittycat asked in SportsCycling · 2 years ago

Where can I buy bicycle stickers?

Since I am certain that the police will NOT recover un-marked bicycles, I need to know where I can purchase frame decals, which state that my bicycle is "Electronically Tracker Equipped"? In order to deter crime.

6 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    You can buy cheap accessories from this retailer shop. Estd 1983, They are now working as an online trader only. They have their own brand of scooters and electric mopeds. And stock premium brands of Powacycle electric bikes. They offer the cheapest cost and best service. For more info:

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    i like this sport!

  • 2 years ago

    Such stickers might well ensure that your bicycle, once stolen would be torn completely apart to find the tracking device. Police would not be too assiduous about tracking your bike down and by the time they did, all they would find would be the tracking device. A good lock and being careful about where you leave your bike is a much better plan. Stickers will not protect your bike

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    If you really must...eBay has them. Before you send your money, stop & think about this for a few seconds. There's few places on a bicycle to hide a GPS tracking device. Most are hidden in the seat-post tube and some under the saddle (seat). A smart thief would immediately start looking and remove the GPS device. To some thieves, it would only seem as a challenge. My 2 cents worth...

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  • 2 years ago

    Not such a bright idea. If your bike does have tracking chips and/or a cellphone notifier you certainly don't the thief knowing about it. Then all they have to do is remove the chip. Alarms, cellphone notifiers and tracking chips aren't meant to replace a good quality keyed 15+ mm U lock and keyed 15+ mm cable lock. These electronic devices are merely complimentary accessories to your locks. A good set of locks will cost around $70.

    Locks are meant to secure your bike while out in public and you must leave it unattended for short periods of time. Locks aren't meant for long periods of storing your bike outside. Bring your bike into a secure structure for storing it.

    Attachment image
    Source(s): Motorized bicycle owner and builder.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    you can find just about anything on ebay ..

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