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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesVietnamQuang Binh · 2 years ago

Why does life begin at conception when sperm is life?

28 Answers

  • 2 years ago


  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It’s just annoying

  • 2 years ago

    This is obviously the same tedious pointless troll that has been spamming here for years trying to promote his unspeakably pathetic agenda of pretending that women don't matter - not even biologically.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    Nope. Sperm is not life. Conception is not ejaculation. Learn a little biology. Why do you think you celebrate your birthday rather than your conception day?

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It doesn't. What starts at conception is the genetic code for the animal-to-be....23 chromosomes from daddy, 23 chromosomes plus mitochondrial DNA from mommy

  • 2 years ago

    Sperm can never go beyond 'sperm' all on its own. Any more than flour in a canister is an actual cake.

    Sorry to burst your bubble. It's the combinations that are 'life'. Not the individual cell or sperm separately.

  • Cowboy
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Sperm is not independent life, not a functioning being - you kill billions every time you wack off so are you a murderer? And the female's egg is in the same boat - once a month one dies and bleeds out - is that murder? does menstrual blood need a burial?

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Conception creates a new soul, that's why.

    The sperm is not a baby on its own.

  • 2 years ago

    That is difficult to answer in part because the question is a bit vague. I don't know if you mean any life, human life in general or an individual person.

    Human life is a multi-generational continuous process. The gametes (egg and sperm) from which each person was formed, were alive before they merged.

    Before a person’s conception, the exact sequence of genes that makes him/her unique did not exist, so that “individual” did not exist. Immediately after conception, the number of resulting individuals has not yet been determined. Twins, triplets or other results such as chimerism could occur.

    When the DNA of the egg and sperm combine, there is as yet no person. There is not a microscopic person with arms, legs and a head. There is only a code for building that person, so the person does not yet exist. The construction occurs later.


    To protect the innocent, secular and religious laws need a certain point to be defined as the beginning. These points are largely subjective.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    A sperm is not a person, and an egg is not a person. The union of sperm and egg is a person. Conception is the beginning of a life.



    The truth is that death leads to immediate heaven or hell, depending only on whether the person believed in Jesus for eternal life, or not.

    The truth is that Jesus loves you and wants to bless your life freely :) Most of all, Jesus wants you with Him forever, and not in hell. The truth is that every belief except one will lead to eternal torment in the lake of fire for every person. Because nothing pays for our sins except the death and blood of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus that is already accomplished by Him . Jesus loves you! The truth is that Jesus is God, and Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins in full, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead. Nothing else pays for our sins, not works, not deeds, not religions. So the only way to heaven and to avoid hell, is by believing in Jesus for eternal life (John 6:47), without adding any of your own works (Romans 4:5). Believe in Jesus to take you to heaven, and you will be in heaven, no matter what, guaranteed. That easy, thanks to Jesus! Tell Jesus that you thank Him that you will be with Him in heaven when you die, because you believe in Jesus! It is too late to be saved, after death

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