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Anonymous asked in Dining OutIndonesiaBatam · 2 years ago

Hiding guinea pigs from parents?

So I’m 14 and have my own room. I already have two male guinea pigs who are super adorable but I saw an ad on Craigslist for two free female guinea pigs. They are only a 10 minute walk from my house and include a cage and everything! My two boys already have supplies I buy so I figure two more guinea pigs should be easy to hide. The lady said these ones don’t make much noise and they are very sweet. How can I not get them? Should I? And tips?


Uh so I realized that wasn’t a good idea, I asked my mom and we worked it out

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4 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just ask them. Or if u do get them don’t keep them near your male ones otherwise you’ll end up with loads of guinea pigs rather than just four.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Do not go to these sites. They will steal your credit card information.

  • 2 years ago

    What an immature, selfish child you are. Your "own room"? What does that matter? Are you paying RENT? Of course you aren't. You're a baby. You can't even get a job yet.

    Your PARENTS will have to pay to care for these pets. Your PARENTS pay for everything you need as well as the rent, utilities, phone, etc. Show them some respect and stop thinking like such a stupid, entitled CHILD.

    If you do go ahead with this your parents WILL find out, they'll get rid of ALL your guinea pigs AND likely NEVER EVER get you a pet again, idiot.

    What sort of a$$hole adult is willing to hang pets over to a stupid little CHILD like you in the first place???

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Ask your parents and if they say no don't get them because first of all, how would you even hide them? Where do you hide a 10+ square foot cage? Do your parents never go in or even look in your room?

    Second, what happens when they get sick? Do you let them die because you cant tell your parents?

    And what excuse do you come up with for needing twice the hay, veggies, bedding and pellets?

    Its just all around not a good idea.

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