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Anonymous asked in TravelIndiaThiruvananthapuram · 2 years ago

I miss my cats..?

I used to have two outdoor cats. I fed them twice a day and made sure they always had water. They lived out in my garage, and could come and go whenever they pleased. They stayed inside a good amount of time anyway, so I always closed the door at night and when it was raining. I took them inside my home whenever it was too cold or too hot, they purred whenever they were with me and they would always run to me and rub against my legs when they saw me come out. I loved them a lot, and they loved me a lot; which is why I don’t understand. Why did they run away? They’ve been missing for about a year now. My family occasionally sees them wandering around town, so I just don’t understand why they didn’t want to come home.. I never hurt them, or did anything wrong to them, neither did my family. It’s been a year now. We’ve moved since then, still in the same town but in a different house. My hopes of getting them back have dropped a lot, and every time I think of them I cry. I miss them so much. So I have two questions. 1. How can I get my cats home? And 2... in case 1 doesn’t work... how can I move on? I miss them so much and I just can’t handle it anymore...

5 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    me too. I miss my cat lucy. She was so sweet. I love him so much. . suddenly she dies. oh no!

  • 2 years ago

    Yeah sure, TROLL. If this was true why did you post this anonymously???

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I hope you never get them back. You're an irresponsible person who doesn't deserve a pet.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    rnaybe you should put rnissing cat signs up

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 years ago

    If they’re strays, just pick them up the next time you see them and keep them inside — it’s safer anyway.

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