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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesIndonesiaAceh · 2 years ago

Am I wrong wanting to return my puppy to the breeders or give him to a shelter...?

Well I got a pitbull runt he’s very tiny weighing around 2 pounds and has a soft spot on his head. I was told for a pitbull it’s really uncommon for them to be that small and to have a soft spot (there’s some other concerns they had also) . One vet even said the dog should be put down and ever since the vet visit he seems to have got worse honestly I don’t know what to do anymore. Especially since I’m a first time puppy owner... I feel as I’m not the right person to take care of him. Just need some advice on how to deal with this :(

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Yes, it is time to return it to the breeders and demand a refund. If they refuse, take it to the shelter or, better yet, to a rescue place. For your next dog, go to the pound or to a rescue place. Stay away from puppy mills. Look for a dog that is less aggressive. You will have fewer problems with it and the two of you will bond better.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    This is a good question

  • 2 years ago

    Its a pitt bull. No real breeder breeds them since they are ill bred mutts, Trash dogs. you bought a mutt from a BYBer or a mill, they will just resell the dog to someone else if it lives.

    The vet is right, the dog should be put down since its not only deformed, its a BYBer pitt bull and will turn on you if it lives

  • Edwena
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Find someone who knows something about the breed. Like someone who has a few dogs and fights them. He knows good dogs. Give your puppy to him and ask him to get it into condition like his dogs are. Pay him some money for the training.

  • 2 years ago

    No not at all............... Too the breeder would be far better for the dog i.m.h.o. though, In this way it will not be adopted out to some other unsuspecting person either.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    It sounds like the best option will be to return him. There is likely something very wrong with him genetically, and if he came from a breeder, then it is the breeder's responsibility to ensure the pups are healthy. Therefore, it is the breeder's responsibility to ensure that this dog is cared for as best as possible.

  • *****
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    If the breeders placed an unhealthy puppy into your home, why do you think they would take care of it now? They'll just pawn it off on some other unsuspecting person. Shelters do not normally have the budget to treat major health problems and are likely to euthanize it. Some private rescue groups may have the funds and time to handle something like this, but not many. If the puppy has serious congenital defects, is declining, and at least one veterinarian has recommended euthanasia already, that option should be given serious consideration.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    To promote health of Pit Bull, give multivitamin twice daily and daily teaspoon of nutmeg/peppermint mix with water. Animal will need weekly estrogen pill or injection to reduce excess testosterone and gain calm behavior.

    If estrogen is not available, half teaspoon of phenytoin may be given daily to keep pet sedated.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You are aware that a pit bull is a very bad choice for a first time dog owner, right?

    What does the CONTRACT say about returning the dog?

    He will probably be euthanized in a shelter. I'd try a rescue.

    WHY are you surrendering the dog? Because of his size? I don't believe he's 2 pounds, by the way.

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