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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 years ago

Has the Left given up on finding an actual crime and now claims that impeachment is a "political process"?

I keep seeing Leftist posting the notion that Congress doesn't even NEED an actual CRIME to impeach. They just need to show they've lost confidence in him, or that he's not upholding the dignity of the office, or some BS like that. "Impeachment is a political process by definition," says Manny at

So … is this The Left basically admitting that there are no crimes over which to impeach, but insisting that they can impeach ANYWAY? Are they finally admitting that they don't CARE about WHY they impeach Trump as long as they impeach him?

Article 2 Section 4 reads:

"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of The United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other HIGH CRIMES and MISDEMEANORS".

In other words, the U.S. Constitution states beyond any shadow of a doubt that there must be a CRIME, and he must be CONVICTED. So you have to PROVE the crime, not just assert it. It's as plain as day!

But, The Left just considers the Constitution to be an obstacle to their goals. They don't mind violating it any chance they get.

So, how can The Leftists here claim you don't need a crime to impeach a sitting President.


I guess when a Conservative resists a bogus witch hunt, Liberals call it "Obstruction of Justice". Note that the only wrongdoing the Mueller report could even make innuendo about was RESISTING THE MUELLER REPORT. You may not be aware of this, but every American Citizen has the right to resist being framed.

Update 2:

The campaign finance law argument actually has some validity IF the hush money was paid from campaign funds. If it came from Trump's own pocket, not so much. Paying hush money is NOT ILLEGAL But there's no way The House will impeach over campaign finance laws. That would invite scrutiny into their OWN campaign finance practices.

If every politician who had violated campaign finance law had to answer for it, we'd have to hold new elections to have a quorum in Congress.

Update 3:

Redirection of funds to build the wall, while questionable, has been determined to be perfectly legal. And if it wasn't, his attempt to do so would not be CRIMINAL. It would just be stopped.

Advertising his own resorts was also questionable, as long as he personally made no money from it, I don't think you can say it was illegal. There are ways to make that acceptable. Personally, I wouldn't have done it, but he things his resorts are the best, and G7 deserves the best.

Update 4:

One last update:

M A N N Y : I didn't mean to "call you out", but I can see why it seems like I was. I was addressing a trend among the Left, and your posts just provided a ready, easy to find example. I certainly didn't mean to make it sound like I was calling you out personally, but I can see how it came across that way. I apologize if it seemed like a personal attack. I can see how it might.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As you are probably aware, in the past, liberals have generally relied upon the supreme court to overturn the vote of the people when liberals did not like a law. However, the supreme court is now quite conservative so impeachment may be the only card that is left to play.

    In the absense of a strong presidencial candidate and the lack of a strong platform or accepted political philosophy, the plan is to discredit the other party. Liberals are generally supported by the media which is mostly liberal.

    Since before 1950, there has only been one time when a political party did not hold the presidency for at least 2 terms. It was Carter who was then followed by 2 terms of Reagan and 1 term of Bush senior. It is a kind of cycle. The democrats are extremley weak and directionless right now but in 4 years they will probably get their act together.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Maxine Waters called to impeach 45 the day he took office.

    What was his crime then?

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    They have obstruction of justice from the Mueller Report. They are looking for evidence of financial crimes by asking for Trump's tax returns and Trump is blocking the IRS from releasing the returns. They are looking at how much money Trump is getting when foreign governments visit his hotels and golf courses. Trump is mentioned as individual one of Michael Cohen's indictment.

  • Manny
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Finally, I have the honor of being called out. Thank you.

    Secondly, I have listed many times already why he should be impeached.

    He obstructed justice against the Mueller Report 10 times, according to the Mueller Report. He has campaign finance laws by using it as hush money for pörn stars. He has insinuated that he has a stake in the Saudi Arabian economy, particularly with MbS. He advertised his own resort as where the 2020 G7 meeting should be held at. He redirected funds from the military to build his wall, even though Constitutionally that's Congress', not the President's, job.

    But why should I bother?

    Source(s): You all will still suck his orange dïck to your dying breath, because preserving your conservative Protestant white majority is more important than accepting the inevitably of diversity, multiculturalism, and globalization even in your remote (government-subsidized) farm.
  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    There are multiple crimes. Maybe you should watch the hearings instead of making things up.

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