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Lv 5

trying to find an anime?

hello frineds! so im searching for an old anime I use to watch. this anime was about two school girls who had a team of buff men armed with all sorts of weaponry to fight spirts. one girl had short hair and wielded a family sword that used chains to bind the creature within the sword to it. the other girl wore an all black school girl uniform with red linings in certains parts and she wielded a sword that call about a lion of sorts of monster. the only other thing I can recap from this anime is that it began with the girl with the black uniform massacring a squad of people after they had finished a mission in the first episode. thank you and hope someone can help me

3 Answers

  • Raditz
    Lv 6
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That sounds like Ga-Rei: Zero:

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    maybe you miss them, i feel the same about an old friend from high school, sadly i lost contact with them. if it helps maybe try to get in contact with them

  • 2 years ago

    Soul eater is quite similar

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