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Lv 6
Cousin asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 2 years ago

Are humans actually stupid enough to let the Plutocrats who have been polluting the planet cool down Global Warming with a Nuclear Winter?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are moving amazing amount of stuff underground...  PLANET EARTH has final say, though,, along with our beautiful galaxy.. I love black holes.. which is not black or a hole..  my nipples agree...  Asteroids, a wonderful game changer,, when least expected..  "We didn't see that coming!"  no ****.. 

  • Cowboy
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    yep! republicans are that dumb..........................

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It'll get desperate and we'll have to try all manner of daft things as we're on course to increase warming to between 4-6C by 2100 and many scientists do not think we can survive that.

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Nuclear Winter was a theory that has been largely debunked but leftists theories, no matter how stupid and wrong, are forever held up as fact. DDT was supposed to have threatened extinction for bald eagles yet there is almost no evidence it thinned eggs but the banning of DDT led to millions of humans dead. I could go on and on about the crises which we were told were going go happen based on junk science. AGW is just another example. I'm not worried about plutocrats causing a nuclear war but I do remember Barrack Hussein O give a hundred and fifty billion dollars of our money to the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world, Iran and he gave them a free timetable to nuclear weapons. The Mullahs are zealots that think they are paving the way to the 13th Imam and the destruction of the world. These types are more likely to cause a nuclear war than "plutocrats".

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Your mother is a plutocrat

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    The people seem endlessly spellbound by the Munitions Manufacturers who create little wars and sacrifice them in those, so yes, probably. They put up with being starved and used as cannon fodder, poisoned with pollutants, given cancer by talc, Roundup, et Cetera, and judged by these wise rich men who do all of these things to them and so hold the moral high ground so probably this also. So long as their rulers give them reassurances. People are not stupid enough to be slaughtered, poisoned and nuked without receiving reassurances from reliable rich people.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    I am afraid that the Sheeple really are this stupid. Icke warned us way back in the Nineties that these Creatures revel in the pollution that is killing us.

    Source(s): David Icke
  • Anonymous
    2 years ago


  • Cousin
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Seriously. It is not poor factory workers who are polluting the planet and making millions of cases of cancer and Global Warming. Now these Plutocrats who do actually own the factories and select the industries that are destroying everyone's health and the environment and warming up the planet are planning to cool it down by exploding nuclear bombs and saying it is "not nearly as bad" as everyone thinks it will be. These crazy evil bastards have been ruling with money and munitions and manipulating war, polluting the planet, and now are going to set off nuclear bombs so they do not have to stop polluting. I can quite see why rich bastards with underground cities stockpiled with tonnes of opium and food might be less afraid than the poor people they are leaving stuck on the surface to suffer the radioactive fallout, but I still regard it as insanely evil.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Damn progress ... damn civilization .... damn industrialization .... damn humans .... we should send them back to the planet that they came from.

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