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If you could pick any film/tv show/cartoon/video game to have a comic book spin-off series, what would it be?

It can be any kind of spin-off series you want: a direct adaptation, a sequel series, a prequel series, a series focusing on a certain character, a series set in the same world but focusing on new characters, even a crossover series between that franchise and any other franchise you want.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    the adventures of pete and pete

  • 1 year ago

    A lot of them already exist and I just haven’t read them so it’s hard to choose,

    for instance there’s dozens of X-Files and Rick and Morty and Evil Dead and 100s of Donald Duck comics from Europe. Easy choice would be I'd read a comic about the Mandalorian if they made one, and they probably will soon. Hard mode, I’d say something like let’s make more comics about dead game series, like sly cooper or metal gear solid. Or even make a comic about Star Wars 1313, a canceled video game that looked kinda like dead space in the Star Wars universe that they almost made a few years back.

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