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Which religion should be taught in schools?

14 Answers
- Zac ZLv 71 year agoFavorite Answer
As a European atheist, I'd advocate teaching about the most important/influential religions in a "religions" class.
Not teaching the religions as fact, mind you, but educating about them.
The bible and Christian mythology have so influence Western literature and culture* as a whole that knowledge about it is essential to an educated person living in the West.
But I would absolutely not limit it to Christianity.
Ironically enough, religious people seem to be opposed to educating about other religions alongside their own. I suspect it is because seeing the various religions side by side would expose that they are all trying to sell crazy bullshіt stories.
One's own religion only seems sane because people are so familiar with their stories (aka have been indoctrinated) from such an early age that they have become blind to all the crazy! ;-)
* I once watched the movie "Constantine" with my then Chinese girlfriend who grew up in China and had very little knowledge about Christian mythology and I remember that we paused the movie several times for me to explain some basic things that were necessary to know in order for her to understand what was going on.
- Anonymous1 year ago
no it should not be in schools, religious beliefs is the responsibility of the parents
- Anonymous1 year ago
None we have the right not to worship anyone. The bible is the occult not what you idiots think it is. Kiss my lily-white azz
- Anonymous1 year ago
The true one, Christianity.
- Chi girlLv 71 year ago
None. Religion should be taught at home and at your place of worship.
Source(s): Greek Orthodox Christian - Anonymous1 year ago
None. Public schools have no business teaching any religion. They also have no business suppressing any religion either.
- Anonymous1 year ago
There is only one true and living God. Children need to be taught about Him at home and also schooled at home. Public schools are a disease to culture.
- Anonymous1 year ago
None, they're just a waste of time. Religious studies is such a BS subject, who the f cares about what different stupid religions believe
- LônLv 71 year ago
In Saudi Arabia....Islam
In The UK/US.....Christianity.
In India....Hinduism
In Japan....Shinto